Feature Selection using Modified Charged System Search for Intrusion Detection Systems in Cloud Environment
A novel feature selection technique based on a metaheuristic search algortihm is implemented for Intrusion Detection System. The proposed Modified Charged System Search algorithm selects optimal feature subset to give an efficient IDS with higher classification accuracy. The results are evaluated on dataset and presented in the paper.
- Clone this repository
- Install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
(use virtual environment) - Run the
Jupyter notebook end-to-end for CSS Feature Selection - Copy paste the selected features to input defined in
Jupyter notebook to evaluate using different classifiers
The experiments are performed on NSL-KDD and 10% KDD Cup'99 Dataset. These dataset were pre-processed and normalized before use. It can be obtained from the following source.
NSL-KDD Dataset KDD Cup'99 Dataset
The following results show the performance MCSS algortihm.
This figure shows variying classification accuracy for different number of features selected during an instance in search thus a need for feature selection.
This figure shows fast convergence of the MCSS algorithm
This figure shows postions of different agent during instances of search and its convergence towards the end. The few particles which do not converge are present as an improvement to give more exploration to the search.
- Shivam Shakti
- Partha Ghosh
- Santanu Phadikar
This paper has been accepted and presented in SCESM 2017.