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A set of zoom-friendly, family-friendly, games


Currently requires the ASP.Net Core 5.0 runtime

I also recommend the Blazor Wasm Debugging Extension

Running the game

From the Server directory, run the application:

dotnet run


Out-of-the-box the game uses a database (using Entity Framework Core 5.0 on SQL). Add the Connection in a User Secret like this:

dotnet user-secrets set "ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection" "Server=(LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB;Database=YOUR_DATABASE;Integrated Security=SSPI;"

Run the EF updates to build out the database objects:

dotnet ef database update

If you would like to seed the database with a bunch of questions from the word-play.csv file, uncomment this method:


public async Task<string> GetFromFile()
    WordPlay wordPlay = new WordPlay();

    foreach(var q in wordPlay.Questions)
        var question = new CreateQuestionDto() {
            Question = q.Question,
            ImageUrl = "",
            Categories = q.CategoriesString

            await _questionService.AddQuestionAsync(question);

            await Task.Delay(500);

    return wordPlay.Questions.Count + " added to the database";

Then run the app and visit https://localhost:50001/Questions/fromFile.

Host URL

You will want to configure the Game's Host URL by updating the appsettings(.Development).json or setting a user secret for Game:HostUrl. You can use a local address but some configuration will be required. It may be as simple as using your computer name depending on your personal settings.

Alternatively, you can use a DDNS provider like and configure a firewall to rule to route the traffic to your host machine.

Of course, hosting this in a cloud service may be easier but incur some charges.

Add Questions

You can add and update questions by visiting https://localhost:50001/admin/questions

You will want to add at least a dozen or so questions to have a fun time with this game. The more the merrier!

Playing the Game

From the Home page, enter the parameters or click the 'random' button to have it choose for your. Click 'Create Game' when you are ready to start.

At least 3 players are required to join by using the QR Code or accessing the host_url/join page. Create a player by choosing an icon, background, and name. Or just click the randomizer button and the app will choose for you. Once you are ready, the first play who joined should see a "Start Game" button.

How to Play / Win

The game plays in a series of rounds where a player is chosen to be 'on deck'. All other players then answer the question of the round to the best of their ability. Once they have, the player On Deck will try and guess who said what. Points are awarded for accuracy and all other players not On Deck can try to win points by guessing how well they will do that round.


Local file

Originally, the game used a local set of questions. To view or modify questions in that file, check out Server\Data\Games\word-play.csv.

You will also need to modify a few other places for this to work correctly such as the QuestionsController GET method as well as the QuestionsService.

Changing Phrases

The game can be further customized by modifying responses in the answers-finished-phrases.csv and player-joined-phrases.csv files.


A set of zoom-friendly, family-friendly, games







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