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Mercury - rapid software development for microservices

Welcome to the Mercury project

The Mercury project is created with one primary objective - to make software easy to write, read, test, deploy, scale and manage.

To this end, it introduces the concept of platform abstraction and takes event driven programming to the next level of simplicity.

Everything can be expressed as anonymous functions and they communicate with each other using events. However, event driven and reactive programming can be challenging. The Mercury framework hides all the complexity of event driven and reactive patterns and the magic of inter-service communication.

If you want digital decoupling, this is the technology that you should invest 30 minutes of your time to try it out.

The pre-requisites are very minimal. The foundation technology requires only Java 1.8 JDK (Oracle or OpenJDK) and the Maven build system ("mvn"). Docker/Kubernetes are optional. The application modules that you create using the Mercury framework will run in bare metal, VM and any cloud environments.

This project is created by architects and computer scientists who have spent years to perfect software decoupling, scalability and resilience, high performance and massively parallel processing,

With a very high level of decoupling, you can focus in writing business logic without distraction.

Since everything can be expressed as anonymous function, the framework itself is written using this approach. All the cloud connectors and language packs are microservices that are written as anonymous functions. In this way, you can add new connectors, plugins and language packs as you like. The framework is extensible.

The concept is simple. You write your business logic as anonymous functions and packaged them in one or more executables. These executables may be composed as Docker images or alike. You can then deploy them. The containers communicate with each other through an event stream system like Hazelcast or Kafka.

We make the event stream system works as a service mesh. Functions will talk to each other magically without configuration.

If you have your own preference of a different event stream system, you can follow the Hazelcast connector as an example to build your own connector.

Hope you enjoy this journey to improve the world.

Best regards, the Mercury team, Accenture

January 2020


The microservices movement is gaining a lot of momentum in recent years. Very much inspired with the need to modernize service-oriented architecture and to transform monolithic applications as manageable and reusable pieces, it was first mentioned in 2011 to advocate an architectural style that defines an application as a set of loosely coupled single purpose services.

Classical model of microservices architecture often focuses in the use of REST as interface and the self-containment of data and process. Oftentimes, there is a need for inter-service communication because one service may consume another service. Usually this is done with a service broker. This is an elegant architectural concept. However, many production systems face operational challenges. In reality, it is quite difficult to decompose a solution down to functional level. This applies to both green field development or application modernization. As a result, many microservices modules are indeed smaller subsystems. Within a microservice, business logic is tightly coupled with 3rd party and open sources libraries including cloud platform client components and drivers. This is suboptimal.

Architecture principles

For simplicity, we advocate 3 architecture principles to write microservices

  • minimalist
  • event driven
  • context bound

Minimalist means we want user software to be as small as possible. The Mercury framework allows you to write business logic down to functional level using simple input-process-output pattern.

Event driven promotes loose coupling. All functions should run concurrently and independently of each other.

Lastly, context bound means high level of encapsulation so that a function only expose API contract and nothing else.

Platform abstraction

Mercury offers the highest level of decoupling where each piece of business logic can be expressed as an anonymous function. A microservices module is a collection of one or more functions. These functions connect to each other using events.

The framework hides the complexity of event-driven programming and cloud platform integration. For the latter, the service mesh interface is fully encapsulated so that user functions do not need to be aware of network connectivity and details of the cloud platform.

Simple Input-Process-Output function

This is a best practice in software development. Input is fed into an anonymous function. It will process the input according to some API contract and produce some output.

This simplifies software development and unit tests.


  1. Microservices - Generally, we use this term to refer to an architectural pattern where business logic is encapsulated in a bounded context, the unit of service is minimalist and services are consumed in an event driven manner.
  2. Microservices function or simply function - This refers to the smallest unit that encapsulates business logic or 3rd party library. For best practice, we advocate clear separation of business logic from proprietary libraries. By wrapping 3rd party libaries as functions, we can keep the event API intact when switching to an alternative library.
  3. Microservices module or microservice - This refers to a single unit of deployment that contains at least one public function and optionally some private functions. All functions communicate with each others through a memory based event stream system within the module. Each microservices module can be independently deployed and scaled.
  4. Microservices application - It is a collection of microservices modules running together as a single application.
  5. User facing endpoints - This refers to public API for REST, websocket or other communication protocols.
  6. Event API - Microservices functions expose event APIs internally for inter-service communications. For example, a user facing endpoint may use REST protocol. The HTTP request is then converted to an event to a microservice.
  7. Real-time events - Messages that are time sensitive. e.g. RPC requests and responses.
  8. Store-n-forward events - Events that are not time sensitive. First, a calling function can send an event without waiting for a response. Second, the called function may not even available when the event is delivered. e.g. data pipeline applications.
  9. Streaming events - This refers to continuous flow of events from one function to another. Note that streaming can be either real-time or store-n-forward.
  10. public function - This means the function is visible to all application containers and instances in the system.
  11. private function - This means the function is visible only to functions in the same memory space inside an application instance.

Post Office

The Mercury framework is a SDK with some cloud connectors and language packs. There are two small sets of API for the Platform and the Post Office systems. The Platform API allows you to programmatically register functions with "route names". The Post Office API is used to send events from one service to another.

For example, the following codelet sends the text "hello world" from the caller to the function registered as "v1.some.service".


// SERVICE in one container
Platform platform = Platform.getInstance();

LambdaFunction f = (headers, body, instance) -> {
	// do some business logic
	System.out.println("I got your request..."+body);
	return something
platform.register("v1.some.service", f, 1);


// USER in another container
PostOffice po = PostOffice.getInstance();
EventEnvelope response = po.request("v1.some.service", 1000, "hello world");
System.out.println("I got response here..."+response.getBody());

// the above is an RPC call. For async call, it would be something like this:
po.send("v1.some.service", "hello world");


Inter-service communication patterns

  • RPC “Request-response”, best for interactivity
  • Asynchronous e.g. Drop-n-forget and long queries
  • Call back e.g. Progressive rendering
  • Pipeline e.g. Work-flow application
  • Streaming e.g. Data ingest
  • Broadcast e.g. Concurrent processing of the same dataset with different outcomes

How this repository is organized

The Mercury framework includes the following:

  1. system platform-core and rest-spring
  2. connectors event-node, hazelcast, kafka...
  3. language packs python, node.js...
  4. extensions rest-automation...
  5. documentation architecture and user guides
  6. examples code samples / templates for creating microservices with or without REST endpoints

Libraries and components

platform core

With Mercury, any software module can be expressed as a Java anonymous functions or a Java class that implements the LambdaFunction interface.

The platform core library enables the following:

  1. High level of decoupling - You may write business logic as anonymous functions that run concurrently and independently. In addition to business logic, you may also encapsulate platform components and databases as anonymous functions.
  2. Event driven programming - Each function is addressable with a unique route name and they communicate by sending events. You make request from one function to another by making a service call through some simple Mercury Post Office API.
  3. One or more functions can be packaged together as a microservice executable, usually deployed as a Docker image or similar container technology.


The rest-spring library customizes and simplifies the use of Spring Boot as an application container to hold functions. This includes preconfigured message serializers and exception handlers.


This connector library is designed to work with Hazelcast version 3.12 out of the box. To use this connector, you can download Hazelcast from


This project can be compiled into an executable JAR. This is the "presence monitor" for Hazelcast. Your application instances will report to one of the presence monitors (2 to 3 monitor instances are good enough for large installations), and the monitors use Hazelcast to cluster themselves. With the hazelcast-connector library, your application can send events to other application instances thru a Hazelcast cluster.

The hazelcast-connector and hazelcast-presence is fully scalable.


This connector library is designed to work with Kafka version 2.12-2.2.0 out of the box. A convenient standalone Kafka server application is available in the kafka-standalone project under the connector directory.


This project can be compiled into an executable JAR. This is the "presence monitor" for Kafka. Your application instances will report to one of the presence monitors (2 to 3 monitor instances are good enough for large installations), and the monitors use Kafka to cluster themselves. With the kafka-connector library, your application can send events to other application instances thru a Kafka cluster.

The kafka-connector and kafka-presence is fully scalable.


For ease of software development, the Event Node project can be compiled into an executable JAR. It emulates an event stream system (i.e. the event stream itself such as Kafka and Hazelcast) and the presence monitor.

The Event Node is not designed for production purpose. It is a convenient tool for software development in a single laptop.


The python language pack is available in


This extension package is a helper application that automates the creation of REST endpoints by configuration instead of code.


This is an example project to illustrate writing microservices without using an HTTP application server.


If you wish to write your own REST endpoints programmatically instead of using the rest-automation helper application, you may use this example project as a template.

Before you start

If you haven't already, please start a terminal and clone the repository:

git clone
cd mercury

To get the system up and running, you should compile and build the foundation libraries from sources. This will install the libraries into your ".m2/repository/org/platformlambda" folder. For your convenience, we will be publishing these libraries into a public repository at a later time.

# start a terminal and go to the mercury sandbox folder
cd system/platform-core
mvn clean install
cd ../rest-spring
mvn clean install
cd ../../connectors/hazelcast/hazelcast-connector
mvn clean install
cd ../../../connectors/kafka/kafka-connector
mvn clean install
# close the terminal

To build the rest-automation helper application:

# start a terminal and go to the mercury sandbox folder
cd extensions/rest-automation
mvn clean package
# close the terminal

To support Python and other programming languages, please build the language-connector application.

# start a terminal and go to the mercury sandbox folder
cd language-packs/language-connector
mvn clean package
# close the terminal

Getting started

You can compile the rest-example as a microservices executable like this:

cd mercury/examples
cd rest-example
mvn clean package
java -Dcloud.connector=none -jar target/rest-example-1.12.25.jar
# this will run the rest-example without a cloud connector

Try with a browser.

It will respond with some sample output like this:

  "body" : {
    "body" : {
      "accept" : "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8",
      "accept-encoding" : "gzip, deflate, br",
      "accept-language" : "en-US,en;q=0.9",
      "cache-control" : "max-age=0",
      "connection" : "keep-alive",
      "host" : "",
      "time" : "2018-12-21T16:39:33.546Z",
      "upgrade-insecure-requests" : "1",
      "user-agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) ..."
    "headers" : {
      "seq" : "4"
    "instance" : 4,
    "origin" : "2018122170c4d0e80ef94b459763636da74d6b5f"
  "execution_time" : 0.298,
  "headers" : { },
  "round_trip" : 0.862,
  "status" : 200

The REST endpoint makes a request to the "" service that echoes back the headers of the HTTP request. The underlying Spring Boot HTTP server has been pre-configured with HTML, JSON and XML message serializers and exception handlers.

If you change the "accept" header to "application/xml", the output will be shown in XML.

To demonstrate concurrent processing, you may visit

Now try

This will return a HTTP-500 "Route hello.pojo not found" error. This is expected behavior because the "hello.pojo" service is not available in the rest-example container.

Scalable application using Event Node for prototyping

Now it is time to build a scalable application using an event stream system. For simplicity, we are going to use the Event Node system to emulate a cloud environment.

cd mercury/connectors
cd event-node
mvn clean package
java -jar target/event-node-1.12.25.jar
# the Event Node system will run. It emulates an event stream system.

# Open another terminal and go to the project root
cd mercury/examples
cd lambda-example
mvn clean package
java -Dcloud.connector=event.node -jar target/lambda-example-1.12.25.jar
# the lambda-example microservices module will run and connect to the event node

# Go to the terminal that runs the rest-example earlier
Ctrl-C to quit the rest-example application
# Then run the rest-example again with cloud.connector set to event.node
java -Dcloud.connector=event.node -jar target/rest-example-1.12.25.jar
# without the "-Dcloud.connector" parameter override, the rest-example will run and connect to a hazelcast cluster.

Try again. You will see response like this:

  "address" : "100 World Blvd, Planet Earth",
  "date" : "2018-12-21T16:56:29.774Z",
  "id" : 1,
  "instance" : 1,
  "name" : "Simple PoJo class",
  "origin" : "2018122125cea36ffffc42729cffd416d35f92b4"

Congratulations! You have just created a network of microservices and consume the "hello.pojo" service thru a network event stream system.

If you run another instance of the lambda-example in a different terminal and try the endpoint again, you will see the "origin" of the response changes. This illustrates that the system is load balancing your request to multiple containers.

Scalable application using Hazelcast

The Event Node is designed for rapid prototyping so the event stream system is emulated in one laptop.

Now Ctrl-C all terminals to quit the demo. We are going to do it again with Hazelcast as the event stream system.

  • Download Hazelcast from
  • Go to the "bin" folder of the unzipped folder.
  • start hazelcast with "start.bat" for Windows or "./" for Mac and Linux. The Hazelcast system will start.

You will see member list like this in the terminal.

Members {size:1, ver:1} [
	Member []:5701 - 3c253cd0-13eb-4919-aa67-b75d22c86408 this
  • copy the hazelcast folder to another folder.

  • start the second copy of hazelcast. A cluster of 2 hazelcast nodes will form right away. They serve ports 5701 and 5702. The member list will have 2 entries.

  • Build the hazelcast-presence project

cd mercury/connectors
cd hazelcast/hazelcast-presence
mvn clean package
java -jar target/hazelcast-presence-1.12.25.jar
# this will start the "presence monitor" that will connect to the hazelcast cluster.
  • Run the lambda-example and rest-example again
# go to the lambda-example project folder in one terminal
java -Dcloud.connector=hazelcast -jar target/lambda-example-1.12.25.jar
# the lambda-example will connect to the hazelcast cluster and the "presence monitor"

# go to the rest-example project folder in another terminal
java -Dcloud.connector=hazelcast -jar target/rest-example-1.12.25.jar
# the rest-example will also connect to the hazelcast cluster and the "presence monitor"

You may visit The output is exactly the same as the earlier demo.

The "cloud.connector=hazelcast" and "" parameter overrides the in the rest-example and lambda-example projects so they can select Hazelcast instead of the Event Node.

  • Get additional info from the presence monitor

You may visit to see connection info. It may look like this:

  "" : {
    "connections" : {
      "201812213aed6381e8b543d48f3f288f64207019" : {
        "created" : "2018-12-21T17:09:54Z",
        "monitor" : "20181221012a5f4614c3443280936b78ff032e51",
        "name" : "lambda-example",
        "seq" : 123,
        "type" : "APP",
        "updated" : "2018-12-21T17:51:01Z",
        "version" : "1.12.25"
      "201812215ff40bbc36004637ac8cd18debf5cf95" : {
        "created" : "2018-12-21T17:11:49Z",
        "monitor" : "20181221012a5f4614c3443280936b78ff032e51",
        "name" : "rest-example",
        "seq" : 117,
        "type" : "WEB",
        "updated" : "2018-12-21T17:50:55Z",
        "version" : "1.12.25"
    "topics" : [ "201812215ff40bbc36004637ac8cd18debf5cf95", "201812213aed6381e8b543d48f3f288f64207019" ],
    "total" : {
      "connections" : 2,
      "topics" : 2
  "app" : {
    "description" : "Presence Monitor",
    "name" : "hazelcast-presence",
    "version" : "1.12.25"
  "memory" : {
    "allocated" : "737,673,216",
    "free" : "326,572,008",
    "max" : "3,817,865,216",
    "total" : "3,406,764,008"
  "origin" : "20181221012a5f4614c3443280936b78ff032e51",
  "time" : "2018-12-21T17:51:08.808Z",
  "vm" : {
    "java_runtime_version" : "1.8.0_171-b11",
    "java_version" : "1.8.0_171",
    "java_vm_version" : "25.171-b11"

You may also check the health status of the presence monitor by visiting

  "status" : "UP",
  "upstream" : [ {
    "cluster" : [ "", "" ],
    "message" : "Loopback test took 1 ms",
    "namespace" : "connector",
    "required" : true,
    "route" : "",
    "service" : "hazelcast",
    "statusCode" : 200
  } ]

Scalable application using kafka

Hazelcast is a distributed memory grid and is ideal for real-time application. For applications that require both real-time and store-n-forward pub/sub use cases, you may want to explore the use of Event Stream systems. We have developed a Kafka cloud connector for this purpose.

For rapid development and prototyping, we have implemented a convenient standalone Kafka server.

  • Now let's build the kafka-standalone and kafka-presence projects
cd mercury/connectors
cd kafka/kafka-standalone
mvn clean package
java -jar target/kafka-standalone-1.12.25.jar
# this will start a standalone kafka server with embedded zookeeper
cd ../kafka-presence
mvn clean package
java -jar target/kafka-presence-1.12.25.jar
# this will start the "presence monitor" that will connect to the kafka cluster.
  • Run the lambda-example and rest-example again
# go to the lambda-example project folder in one terminal
java -Dcloud.connector=kafka -jar target/lambda-example-1.12.25.jar
# the lambda-example will connect to the kafka server and the "presence monitor"

# go to the rest-example project folder in another terminal
java -Dcloud.connector=kafka -jar target/rest-example-1.12.25.jar
# the rest-example will also connect to the kafka server and the "presence monitor"

You may visit The output is exactly the same as the Hazelcast demo.

The "cloud.connector=kafka" and "" parameter overrides the in the rest-example and lambda-example projects so they can select Kafka instead of Hazelcast.

  • Get additional info from the presence monitor

You may visit to see connection info. The output is almost the same as Hazelcast demo except you will also find "pub/sub" topic for the presence monitor.

For Kafka, the presence monitor (kafka-presence) is using pub/sub for coordination among multiple instances of the presence monitors. This allows monitors to monitor each other for improved resilience. This is a distributed cluster design and not a master-slave arrangement.

The Kafka-connector library also encapsulates native Kafka pub/sub feature so that your application can do pub/sub without tight coupling with Kafka. For more details, please refer to the Developer Guide

Write your own microservices

You may use the lambda-example and rest-example as templates to write your own applications.

Please update pom.xml and for application name accordingly.

Cloud Native

The Mercury framework is Cloud Native. While it uses the local file system for buffering, it expects local storage to be transient.

If your application needs to use the local file system, please consider it to be transient too, i.e., you cannot rely on it to persist when your application restarts.

If there is a need for data persistence, use external databases or cloud storage.


Creating a docker image from the executable is very easy. First you need to build your application as an executable with the command mvn clean package. The executable JAR is then available in the target directory.

The Dockerfile may look like this:

FROM openjdk:8-jre-slim
COPY target/your-app-name.jar .
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","your-app-name.jar"]

Change the exposed port numnber and application name accordingly. Then build the docker image and publish it to a docker registry so you can deploy from there using Kubernetes or alike.

Distributed tracing

Microservices are likely to be deployed in a multi-tier environment. As a result, a single transaction would pass through multiple layers of services.

Distributed tracing allows us to visualize the complete service path for each transaction. This enables easy trouble shooting for large scale applications.

With the Mercury framework, distributed tracing does not require coding at application level. To enable this feature, you can simply set "tracing=true" in the rest.yaml configuration of the rest-automation helper application.

Other consideration

  • Timestamp: the Mercury system uses UTC time and ISO-8601 string representation when doing serialization.

  • UTF8 text encoding: we recommend the use of UTF8 for text strings.

Developer guide

For more details, please refer to the Developer Guide


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