endpoint - /api/org/activity
method - POST
usage - Creates a new activity
body - { type , description, location, time }
response - { objectid } if successfull else error -
endpoint - /api/org/volunteers?activityId
method - GET
usage - Fetches all the volunteers applied for a particular created activity
body - { }
response - { name, bio, location, rating } if successfull else error -
endpoint - /api/org/rateVolunteers
method - UPDATE
usage - Rates volunteers according to the performance
body - { volunteerId, Rating }
response - { ...body } if successfull else error -
endpoint - /api/org/activityStatus?activityId
method - GET
usage - Checks the status of the Activity
body - { }
response - { status } if successfull else error -
endpoint - /api/org/activities
method - GET
usage - Gets all the activities posted by user
body - { }
response - { activities : [ { activityId, type, description, location, time }, ...] } if successfull else error -
endpoint - /api/org/user
method - POST
usage - Creates a organizer
body - { username, password, phonenumber }
response - {...body} if successfull else error
endpoint - /api/vol/activities?type&location&time
method - GET
usage - Gets all the activities around me based on location, type of activity and the time of the activity.
body - { }
response - { activities : [ { activityId, type, description, location, time }, ...] } if successfull else error -
endpoint - /api/vol/joinActivity
method - UPDATE
usage - Confirm to join a activity
body - { activityId }
response - {...body} if successfull else error -
endpoint - /api/vol/myActivities?userId method - GET
usage - Gets the activities of a user
body - { }
response - { activities : [ { activityId, type, description, location, time }, ...] } if successfull else error -
endpoint - /api/vol/user
method - POST
usage - Creates a volunteer
body - { username, password, phonenumber }
response - {...body} if successfull else error
activityType: String,
Time: String,
Location: {
address: String,
Latitude: Number,
Longitude: Number
Volunteers: [ Schema.Types.ObjectId ],
Description: String,
Status: String
name: String,
email: String,
contactNumber: String,
location: String,
avgRating: Number,
ratings: [ Number ],
activities: [ Schema.Types.ObjectId ]
name: String,
email: String,
orgDescription: String,
contactNumber: String,
location: String,
activities: [ Schema.Types.ObjectId ]