Team-project-F created by GitHub Classroom
This program allows users to gather information about H1b-Visa administered by the US government. H1b-Visa is a work visa for non-citizens and non-permanent residents. Information conveyed by this program include the initial approvals, continual approvals, initial denials and continual denials for approximately 50,000 companies that operate within the US. Each company has an associated location, tax ID and NAICS.
- For assignments before frontEnd, please refer to the flask folder. is the file for command line interface. is the file for flask assignment.
- For the frontEnd assignment, please refer to the frontEnd folder. is the file for the frontEnd assignment.
The features we have at the moment are company search via search bar and using some filter options for search.
- For the Backend assignment, please refer to the backEnd folder. is the file for the backEnd assignment.
The features we have at the moment are company search via search bar and using some filter options for search.
The reason for dividing the files by assignment is because the code changed as search features caused the code to change majorly.
- Joshua Song
- Bennet Tefu
- Sunny Kim
- Yeabsira Gebreegziabher