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sidcode committed Aug 5, 2014
0 parents commit b3329e7
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Showing 77 changed files with 11,967 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Build Instructions.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Use command:

in the command line to invoke the application.
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions
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from PIL import Image
import numpy
import pylab
#from PIL import Image
from numpy import *
import tifwork as tw
import scipy.misc

(row,col,z) = arr.shape
arr2 = numpy.zeros(arr.shape,int)
print arr.shape

print arr[:,:,0].min(),arr[:,:,0].mean(),arr[:,:,0].max()
print arr[:,:,1].min(),arr[:,:,1].mean(),arr[:,:,1].max()
print arr[:,:,2].min(),arr[:,:,2].mean(),arr[:,:,2].max()
# standard deviation from each band for each class will be required
# the deviation will be about the mean of the brightness value of all the bands
# 12 , 54, 67
# mean = 44

classes = [[(0,17),(0,65),(0,57)], [(17,47),(0,65),(0,57)]]
print classes[0][0][1]
print arr[0,0,0] in range(classes[0][0][0],classes[0][0][1])
x = 0
y = 0

for x in range (0,row):
for y in range (0,col):
if ((arr[x,y,0] in range(classes[0][0][0],classes[0][0][1])) and (arr[x,y,1] in range(classes[0][1][0],classes[0][1][1])) and(arr[x,y,2] in range(classes[0][2][0],classes[0][2][1]))):
arr[x,y,:] = (255,0,0)
if ((arr[x,y,0] in range(classes[1][0][0],classes[1][0][1])) and (arr[x,y,1] in range(classes[1][1][0],classes[1][1][1])) and(arr[x,y,2] in range(classes[1][2][0],classes[1][2][1]))):
arr[x,y,:] = (0,255,0)
arr[x,y,:] = (255,255,255)

[12 , 13
87, 23]
[32 , 13
84, 23]
[62 , 13
87, 23]

90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
# Segment N-dimensional grayscale image into c classes using a memory
# efficient implementation of the c-means (aka k-means) clustering
# algorithm. The computational efficiency is achieved by using the
# histogram of the image intensities during the clustering process instead
# of the raw image data.
# - im : N-dimensional grayscale image in integer format.
# - c : positive interger greater than 1 specifying the number of
# clusters. c=2 is the default setting. Alternatively, c can be
# specified as a k-by-1 array of initial cluster (aka prototype)
# centroids.
# - L : label image of the same size as the input image. For example,
# L==i represents the region associated with prototype C(i),
# where i=[1,k] (k = number of clusters).
# - C : 1-by-k array of cluster centroids.
# - LUT : L-by-1 array that specifies the intensity-class relations,
# where L is the dynamic intensity range of the input image.
# Specifically, LUT(1) corresponds to class assigned to
# min(im(:)) and LUT(L) corresponds to the class assigned to
# max(im(:)). See 'apply_LUT' function for more info.

import numpy as np
import LUT2label as label

def FastCMeans(im, c):

# Intensity range

Imin = float(np.min(im[:]))
Imax = float(np.max(im[:]))
I = np.transpose(np.array(np.arange(Imin,Imax+1)))

I = I[:, np.newaxis]

# Compute intensity histogram

H = np.histogram(im.flatten(),I.flatten())
(H1, H2) = H
#H1 = H1.flatten()
#H2 = H2.flatten()
H1 = H1[:, np.newaxis]
#H2 = H2[:, np.newaxis]
#print 'H1 and H2 Size: ', H1.shape, H2.shape
#print H1.shape
H = np.copy(np.append(H1,[1]))
H = H[:, np.newaxis]

# Initialize cluster centroids

if np.size(c) > 1:
C = c
c = np.size(c)
dl = (Imax - Imin)/c
C = np.arange(Imin + dl/2, Imax+1, dl)

# Update cluster centroids

IH = I * H
dC = float(np.inf)

while (dC > 1.0E-6):

C0 = np.copy(C)

# Distance to the centroids
D = np.abs(I - C)

# Classify by proximity
Dmin = np.min(D,1)
LUT = np.argmin(D,1)

for j in range(0,c):
index = LUT==j
C[j] = np.sum(IH[index]) / np.sum(H[index])

# Change in centroids
#print (C-C0)
dC = np.max(np.abs(C-C0))

L = label.LUT2label(im,LUT)
return (L,C,LUT)

153 changes: 153 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
# Segment N-dimensional grayscale image into c classes using a memory
# efficient implementation of the fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering algorithm.
# The computational efficiency is achieved by using the histogram of the
# image intensities during the clustering process instead of the raw image
# data.
# - im : N-dimensional grayscale image in integer format.
# - c : positive interger greater than 1 specifying the number of
# clusters. c=2 is the default setting. Alternatively, c can be
# specified as a k-by-1 array of initial cluster (aka prototype)
# centroids.
# - q : fuzzy weighting exponent. q must be a real number greater than
# 1.1. q=2 is the default setting. Increasing q leads to an
# increased amount of fuzzification, while reducing q leads to
# crispier class memberships.
# - L : label image of the same size as the input image. For example,
# L==i represents the region associated with prototype C(i),
# where i=[1,k] (k = number of clusters).
# - C : 1-by-k array of cluster centroids.
# - U : L-by-k array of fuzzy class memberships, where k is the number
# of classes and L is the intensity range of the input image,
# such that L=numel(min(im(:)):max(im(:))).
# - LUT : L-by-1 array that specifies the defuzzified intensity-class
# relations, where L is the dynamic intensity range of the input
# image. Specifically, LUT(1) corresponds to class assigned to
# min(im(:)) and LUT(L) corresponds to the class assigned to
# max(im(:)). See 'apply_LUT' function for more info.
# - H : image histogram. If I=min(im(:)):max(im(:)) are the intensities
# present in the input image, then H(i) is the number of image
# pixels/voxels that have intensity I(i).

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tifwork as tw
import scipy.misc
import LUT2label as label
import FastCMeans as fc

def FastFCMeans(im, c, q):

#intensity range

Imin = float(np.min(im[:]))
Imax = float(np.max(im[:]))
I = np.transpose(np.array(np.arange(Imin,Imax+1)))

I = I[:, np.newaxis]

#print 'I size ', I.shape

#print Imin, Imax

# Compute intensity histogram

H = np.histogram(im.flatten(),I.flatten())

(H1, H2) = H

#H1 = H1.flatten()
#H2 = H2.flatten()

H1 = H1[:, np.newaxis]
H2 = H2[:, np.newaxis]

#print 'H1 and H2 Size: ', H1.shape, H2.shape

H = np.copy(np.append(H1,[1]))
H = H[:, np.newaxis]

#print H.shape
#print H

#Initialize Cluster Centroids

if np.size(c) > 1:
C = c
c = np.size(c)

(l,C,lut) = fc.FastCMeans(im,c)

#Update Fuzzy Memberships and cluster centroids

#I = repmat(I,[1 c])
I = np.tile(I,np.array([1,c]))

#print ' I shape ', I.shape

dC = np.inf

eps = np.finfo(float).eps

#print 'Epsilon is ', eps

while (dC > 1E-6):

C0 = np.copy(C)
#Distance to the centroids
D = np.abs(I-C)
D = D**(2/(q-1)) + eps

#compute fuzzy memberships

recipSum = np.sum(1/D,1)
recipSum = recipSum[:, np.newaxis]

U = D * recipSum

U = 1/(U+ eps)

#update the centroids

UH = (U**q) * H

s1 = np.sum(UH * I,0)
s1 = s1[:,np.newaxis]
s2 = np.sum(UH,0).astype(float)
s2 = s2[:, np.newaxis]

s1 = np.transpose(s1)
s2 = np.transpose(s2)
C = s1 /s2

C = np.sort(C)
#Change in centroids
dC = np.max(np.abs(C-C0))

#Defuzzify and create a label image

Umax = np.max(U,1)
#Umax = Umax[:,np.newaxis]
#print Umax
LUT = np.argmax(U,1)
#print LUT2label

L = label.LUT2label(im,LUT)

return (L,C,U,LUT,H)

58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions GUI/
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@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@

import Tkinter as tk
from Tkinter import *
from tkMessageBox import *
import ttk
import tkFileDialog
from PIL import Image
import tifwork
import sys
import matplotlib

from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg, NavigationToolbar2TkAgg
from matplotlib.backend_bases import key_press_handler
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
from matplotlib.figure import Figure

#from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename

# implement the default mpl key bindings
#import Image, ImageTk

def imdisplay(filename,title):

def openImFile(filename,title):
Root1 = tk.Tk()
fx = Figure(figsize=(5,4), dpi=100)
ax = fx.add_subplot(111)

canvasx = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fx, master=Root1)
canvasx.get_tk_widget().pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1)
toolbar = NavigationToolbar2TkAgg( canvasx, Root1 )
canvasx._tkcanvas.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1)

def on_key_event(event):
print('you pressed %s'%event.key)
key_press_handler(event, canvasx, toolbar)

def _quitx():
Root1.quit() # stops mainloop
button1 = tk.Button(master=Root1, text='Quit', command=_quitx)

fx.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', on_key_event)

# a tk.DrawingArea

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