Tool suite for DRRA-2 hardware accelerator platform.
- vs-manas: Low level assembler for DRRA-2 ISA
- vs-alimpsim: Simulator for DRRA-2 (Deprecated)
- vs-testcase: Test case infrastructure and build-in test cases for DRRA-2
- vs-entry: Entry point for vesyla-suite
- vs-schedule: Scheduler for DRRA-2 instruction. It will be integrated into the future compiler
- vs-component: Assemble the components of vesyla-suite, it requires you to specify the location of DRRA libary as enviroment variable
. Check the repo drra-component-lib.
- run to install tool, library and python packages according to requirements.txt
- run, and wait it generate the image called "vesyla-suite"
- copy it to any directory that is in your PATH environment.
- now you can use the vesyla-suite command in any working directory.