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Base image for SimpleSAMLphp IdP and Hub with custom modules

Docker image: silintl/ssp-base

Prerequisite software

Docker and docker compose must be installed.

Make is optional but simplifies the build process.


By default, configuration is read from environment variables. These are documented in the local.env.dist file. Optionally, you can define configuration in AWS Systems Manager. To do this, set the following environment variables to point to the configuration in AWS:

  • AWS_REGION - the AWS region in use
  • APP_ID - AppConfig application ID or name
  • CONFIG_ID - AppConfig configuration profile ID or name
  • ENV_ID - AppConfig environment ID or name
  • PARAMETER_STORE_PATH - Parameter Store base path for this app, e.g. "/idp-name/"

In addition, the AWS API requires authentication. It is best to use an access role such as an ECS Task Role. If that is not an option, you can specify an access token using the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY variables.

If PARAMETER_STORE_PATH is given, AWS Parameter Store will be used. Each parameter in AWS Parameter Store is set as an environment variable in the execution environment.

If PARAMETER_STORE_PATH is not given but the AppConfig variables are, AWS AppConfig will be used. The content of the AppConfig configuration profile takes the form of a typical .env file, using # for comments and = for variable assignment. Any variables read from AppConfig will overwrite variables set in the execution environment.

SimpleSAMLphp Metadata

No metadata files are included by default. All metadata configuration must be provided by using ssp-base as a base image and adding files to the /data/vendor/simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp/metadata directory. SSP_PATH is defined by ssp-base as shorthand for /data/vendor/simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp.

COPY metadata/* $SSP_PATH/metadata/

Legacy Metadata Format

Prior to version 10 of ssp-base, the saml20-idp-remote and saml20-sp-remote files contained PHP code to search the metadata directory for files beginning with sp or idp to assemble the metadata. The format of these files differed from the standard SimpleSAMLphp metadata files.


return [
    '' => [
        'name' => ['en' => 'Example'],
        // ...

To use this old, non-standard file structure and format, add these two files to your new image:



use Sil\SspUtils\Metadata;

$startMetadata = Metadata::getIdpMetadataEntries(__DIR__);
foreach ($startMetadata as $key => $value) {
    $metadata[$key] = $value;



use Sil\SspUtils\Metadata;

$startMetadata = Metadata::getSpMetadataEntries(__DIR__);
foreach ($startMetadata as $key => $value) {
    $metadata[$key] = $value;

Standard Metadata Format


$metadata[''] = [
    'name' => ['en' => 'Example'],
    // ...

Moving forward, to utilize a multi-file approach while using the standard SimpleSAMLphp metadata format, add these two files to your image:



use Sil\SspUtils\Metadata;

$files = Metadata::getMetadataFiles(__DIR__, 'idp');
foreach ($files as $file) {
    include $file;



use Sil\SspUtils\Metadata;

$files = Metadata::getMetadataFiles(__DIR__, 'sp');
foreach ($files as $file) {
    include $file;

Local testing

  1. cp local.env.dist local.env within project root and make adjustments as needed.
  2. cp within project root and make adjustments as needed.
  3. Add your GitHub personal access token to the COMPOSER_AUTH variable in the local.env file.
  4. Create localhost aliases for ssp-hub.local, ssp-idp1.local, ssp-idp2.local, ssp-idp3.local, ssp-idp4.local, ssp-sp1.local, ssp-sp2.local, and ssp-sp3.local. This is typically done in /etc/hosts.
    • Example line: ssp-hub.local ssp-idp1.local ssp-idp2.local ssp-idp3.local ssp-idp4.local ssp-sp1.local ssp-sp2.local ssp-sp3.local
  5. Change the BASE_URL_PATH for ssp-idp1.local in docker-compose.yml to have the port number, as specific in the comment on that line in the file.
  6. Bring up the various containers that you will want to interact with. Example: docker compose up -d ssp-hub.local ssp-idp1.local ssp-idp2.local ssp-idp3.local ssp-idp4.local ssp-sp1.local ssp-sp2.local ssp-sp3.local
  7. Go to http://ssp-sp1.local:8081 in a browser on your computer.
  8. Click "Test configured authentication sources"
  9. Click "ssp-hub-custom-port"
  10. Enter the username and password for the desired user. The list of valid options, and the details about each of those users, is defined in the authsources.php file for the relevant IDP (e.g. development/idp-local/config/authsources.php).

Note: there is an unresolved problem that requires a change to BASE_URL_PATH for ssp-idp1.local in docker-compose.yml due to a requirement in silauth that it be a full URL. For automated testing, it must not have a port number, but for manual testing it needs the port number.

Configure a container for debugging with Xdebug

  1. Add a volume map for on the container you wish to debug.
    - ./development/
  1. Add or change the command for the container.
    command: /data/
  1. Restart the container.
docker composer up -d ssp-hub.local

Setup PhpStorm for remote debugging with Docker

  1. Make sure you're running PhpStorm 2016.3 or later
  2. Setup Docker server by going to Preferences (or Settings on Windows) -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Click + to add a new server. Use settings:
  • Name it Docker
  • API URL should be tcp://localhost:2375
  • Certificates folder should be empty
  • Docker Compose executable should be full path to docker compose script
  1. Hit Apply
  2. Next in Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP click on the ... next to the CLI Interpreter and click + to add a new interpreter. Use settings:
  • Name: Remote PHP7
  • Remote: Docker
  • Server: chose the Docker server we added
  • Debugger extension: /usr/lib/php/20151012/
  1. Hit Apply and OK
  2. On PHP for Path mappings edit it so the project root folder maps to /data on remote server
  3. Hit Apply and OK
  4. Click on Run and then Edit Configurations
  5. Click on + and select PHP Web Application
  6. Name it Debug via Docker
  7. Click on ... next to Server and then + to add a server.
  8. Name it Localhost and use settings:
  • Host: localhost
  • Port: 80
  • Debugger: Xdebug
  • Check use path mappings and add map from project root to /data
  1. Hit Apply and OK
  2. Click on Run and then Debug 'Debug on Docker'

Metadata Tests Check:

  • Metadata files can be linted via php (php -l file)
  • Metadata files return arrays
  • IdP Metadata files have an IdP namespace that exists, is a string, and only contains letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores
  • IdP Metadata files don't have duplicate IdP codes
  • SP Metadata files don't have duplicate entity ids
  • IdP Metadatas contains name entry with an en entry
  • IdP Metadatas contains logoURL entry
  • if SP Metadata contains IDPList, check that it is allowed for that IdP as well

Hub mode tests [SKIPPED if HUB_MODE = false]

  • IdP Metadata files SP List is an array
  • IdP Metadata files LogoCaption isset
  • IdP Metadata files SP List has existing SPs
  • All SPs have an IdP it can use
  • All SPs have a non-empty IDPList entry
  • All SPs have a non-empty name entry

SP tests [SKIPPED if 'SkipTests' => true,]

  • Contains a CertData entry
  • Contains a saml20.sign.response entry AND it is set to true
  • Contains a saml20.sign.assertion entry AND it is set to true
  • Contains a assertion.encryption entry AND it is set to true

Overriding translations / dictionaries

If you use this Docker image but want to change some of the translations, you can do so by appending the translations on the end of the base image's files. Use the modules/material/locales/en/LC_MESSAGES/material.po file for reference. Reference the GNU gettext PO Files documentation for more information about the file format.

Example Dockerfile excerpt (overriding text in the MFA module's material theme):

# Copy your translation changes into the working folder:
COPY locales/* /data

# Append those changes onto the existing translation files:
RUN cat /data/en.material.po >> $SSP_PATH/modules/material/locales/en/LC_MESSAGES/material.po
RUN cat /data/es.material.po >> $SSP_PATH/modules/material/locales/es/LC_MESSAGES/material.po
RUN cat /data/fr.material.po >> $SSP_PATH/modules/material/locales/fr/LC_MESSAGES/material.po
RUN cat /data/ko.material.po >> $SSP_PATH/modules/material/locales/ko/LC_MESSAGES/material.po

Custom Modules

Several modules are included and active by default. The Authentication Process (AuthProc) filters in these modules require metadata configuration as described here.

ExpiryChecker SimpleSAMLphp Module

A SimpleSAMLphp module for warning users that their password will expire soon or that it has already expired.

NOTE: This module does not prevent the user from logging in. It merely shows a warning page (if their password is about to expire), with the option to change their password now or later, or it tells the user that their password has already expired, with the only option being to go change their password now. Both of these pages will be bypassed (for varying lengths of time) if the user has recently seen one of those two pages, in order to allow the user to get to the change-password website (assuming it is also behind this IdP). If the user should not be allowed to log in at all, the SimpleSAMLphp Auth Source should consider the credentials provided by the user to be invalid.

The expirychecker module is implemented as an Authentication Processing Filter, or AuthProc. That means it can be configured in the global config.php file or the SP remote or IdP hosted metadata.

It is recommended to run the expirychecker module at the IdP, and configure the filter to run before all the other filters you may have enabled.

How to use the module

Set filter parameters in your config. We recommend adding them to the 'authproc' array in your metadata/saml20-idp-hosted.php file, but you are also able to put them in the 'authproc.idp' array in your config/config.php file.

Example (in metadata/saml20-idp-hosted.php):

use Sil\PhpEnv\Env;
use Sil\Psr3Adapters\Psr3SamlLogger;

$metadata[''] = [
    // ...
    'authproc' => [
        15 => [
            // Required:
            'class' => 'expirychecker:ExpiryDate',
            'accountNameAttr' => 'cn',
            'expiryDateAttr' => 'schacExpiryDate',
            'passwordChangeUrl' => Env::requireEnv('PASSWORD_CHANGE_URL'),

            // Optional:
            'warnDaysBefore' => 14,
            'loggerClass' => Psr3SamlLogger::class,

        // ...

The accountNameAttr parameter represents the SAML attribute name which has the user's account name stored in it. In certain situations, this will be displayed to the user, as well as being used in log messages. This attribute must be in the attribute set returned when the user successfully authenticates.

The expiryDateAttr parameter represents the SAML attribute name which has the user's expiry date, which must be formated as YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ (e.g. 20111011235959Z). This attribute must be in the attribute set returned when the user successfully authenticates.

The passwordChangeUrl parameter contains the URL of the password manager. A link to that URL may be presented to the user as a convenience for updating their password.

The warnDaysBefore parameter should be an integer representing how many days before the expiry date the "about to expire" warning will be shown to the user.

The loggerClass parameter specifies the name of a PSR-3 compatible class that can be autoloaded, to use as the logger within the ExpiryDate class.


This module is adapted from the ssp-iidp-expirycheck and expirycheck modules. Thanks to Alex MihiÄŤinac, Steve Moitozo, and Steve Bagwell for the initial work they did on those two modules.

Material Module

Material Design theme for use with SimpleSAMLphp


No configuration is necessary. The theme.use config option is pre-configured to material:material. Optional configuration is described below.

Google reCAPTCHA

If a site key and secret have been provided in the RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY and RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY environment variables, the username/password page may require the user prove his/her humanity.

Deprecated: RECAPTCHA_SECRET is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version.


Set the THEME_COLOR_SCHEME environment variable using one of the following values:

'indigo-purple', 'blue_grey-teal', 'red-teal', 'orange-light_blue', 'brown-orange', 'teal-blue'

The default is indigo-purple.

The login page looks for /simplesamlphp/public/logo.png which is NOT provided by default.


Set the ANALYTICS_ID environment variable to contain your Google Analytics 4 tag ID.


Update /simplesamlphp/announcement/announcement.php:

 return 'Some <strong>important</strong> announcement';

By default, the announcement is whatever is returned by /simplesamlphp/announcement/announcement.php. To add an announcement, copy a custom announcement.php to that path. If provided, an alert will be shown to the user filled with the content of that announcement. HTML is supported.

Testing the Material theme

See a full listing of Manual tests in the docs directory in this repo.

i18n support

Translations are in files located in the modules/material/locales directory.

Localization is affected by the configuration setting language.available. Only language codes found in this property will be utilized. For example, if a translation is provided in Afrikaans for this module, the configuration must be adjusted to make 'af' an available language. If that's not done, the translation function will not utilize the translations even if provided.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) SimpleSAMLphp Module

A SimpleSAMLphp module for prompting the user for MFA credentials (such as a TOTP code, etc.).

This mfa module contains an Authentication Processing Filter, or AuthProc. That means it can be configured in the global config.php file or the SP remote or IdP hosted metadata.

It is recommended to run the mfa module at the IdP, and configure the filter to run before all the other filters you may have enabled.

How to use the module

You will need to set filter parameters in your config. We recommend adding them to the 'authproc' array in your metadata/saml20-idp-hosted.php file.

Example (for metadata/saml20-idp-hosted.php):

use Sil\PhpEnv\Env;
use Sil\Psr3Adapters\Psr3SamlLogger;

$metadata[''] = [
    // ...
    'authproc' => [
        10 => [
            // Required:
            'class' => 'mfa:Mfa',
            'employeeIdAttr' => 'employeeNumber',
            'idBrokerAccessToken' => Env::get('ID_BROKER_ACCESS_TOKEN'),
            'idBrokerBaseUri' => Env::get('ID_BROKER_BASE_URI'),
            'idBrokerTrustedIpRanges' => Env::get('ID_BROKER_TRUSTED_IP_RANGES'),
            'idpDomainName' => Env::get('IDP_DOMAIN_NAME'),
            'mfaSetupUrl' => Env::get('MFA_SETUP_URL'),

            // Optional:
            'idBrokerAssertValidIp' => Env::get('ID_BROKER_ASSERT_VALID_IP'),
            'loggerClass' => Psr3SamlLogger::class,

            // Coming soon:
            'recoveryContactsApi' => Env::get('MFA_RECOVERY_CONTACTS_API'),
            'recoveryContactsApiKey' => Env::get('MFA_RECOVERY_CONTACTS_API_KEY'),
            'recoveryContactsFallbackName' => Env::get('MFA_RECOVERY_CONTACTS_FALLBACK_NAME'),
            'recoveryContactsFallbackEmail' => Env::get('MFA_RECOVERY_CONTACTS_FALLBACK_EMAIL'),
        // ... more AuthProc filters ...

The employeeIdAttr parameter represents the SAML attribute name which has the user's Employee ID stored in it. In certain situations, this may be displayed to the user, as well as being used in log messages. This attribute must be in the attribute set returned when the user successfully authenticates.

idBrokerAccessToken is an authentication token for access to the id-broker API

idBrokerBaseUri is the base URL for the id-broker API. It must be a full http URL.

idBrokerTrustedIpRanges is a comma-separated list of CIDR-formatted IPv4 or IPv6 networks. The PHP client for the id-broker API performs a DNS check against this list. If the resulting IP address is not in any of the trusted ranges, it will not proceed with connection to the API.

The idpDomainName parameter is used to assemble the Relying Party Origin (RP Origin) for WebAuthn MFA options.

The mfaSetupUrl parameter is for the URL of where to send the user if they want/need to set up MFA.

idBrokerAssertValidIp can be set to 'false' to bypass IP checks. The default is 'true'.

The loggerClass parameter specifies the name of a PSR-3 compatible class that can be autoloaded, to use as the logger within the module.

New "Recovery Contacts" Feature (COMING SOON)

The recoveryContacts* parameters allow you to call an API to retrieve a list of recovery contact addresses which should be offered when the user requests help with their MFA.

If the recoveryContactsApi is provided, the "More options" > "I need help" option will result in a call to that API, with the API key included as a Bearer token in an Authentication header, with the email address of the current user in an email query string parameter.

The response must be a JSON array of zero or more objects, each with a name and email field. Example: [{"name": "John Smith","email":"[email protected]"}]

Names returned by the API will be partially abbreviated to avoid giving out too much information in case a user's password is compromised. If the returned array is empty, the provided fallback parameters will be used.

Why use an AuthProc for MFA?

Based on...

... it seems sufficiently safe to implement MFA using a SimpleSAMLphp AuthProc.

For more of the details, please see this Stack Overflow Q&A:


This is adapted from the silinternational/simplesamlphp-module-mfa module, which itself is adapted from other modules. Thanks to all those who contributed to that work.

Profile Review SimpleSAMLphp Module

A SimpleSAMLphp module for prompting the user review their profile (such as 2-step verification, email, etc.).

This module contains an Authentication Processing Filter, or AuthProc. That means it can be configured in the global config.php file or the SP remote or IdP hosted metadata.

It is recommended to run the profilereview module at the IdP, after all other authentication modules.

How to use the module

You will need to set filter parameters in your config. We recommend adding them to the 'authproc' array in your metadata/saml20-idp-hosted.php file.

Example (for metadata/saml20-idp-hosted.php):

use Sil\PhpEnv\Env;
use Sil\Psr3Adapters\Psr3SamlLogger;

$metadata[''] = [
    // ...
    'authproc' => [
        30 => [
            // Required:
            'class' => 'profilereview:ProfileReview',
            'employeeIdAttr' => 'employeeNumber',
            'profileUrl' => Env::get('PROFILE_URL'),

            // Optional:
            'mfaLearnMoreUrl' => Env::get('MFA_LEARN_MORE_URL'),
            'loggerClass' => Psr3SamlLogger::class,
        // ... other AuthProc filters ...

The employeeIdAttr parameter represents the SAML attribute name which has the user's Employee ID stored in it. In certain situations, this may be displayed to the user, as well as being used in log messages.

The profileUrl parameter is for the URL of where to send the user if they want/need to update their profile.

mfaLearnMoreUrl can be set to a URL the user can visit to learn more about MFA. It is used in a link on the profilereview 'nag-for-mfa' page.

The loggerClass parameter specifies the name of a PSR-3 compatible class that can be autoloaded, to use as the logger within ExpiryDate.

SilAuth SimpleSAMLphp module

SimpleSAMLphp module containing an Auth Source implementing custom business logic:

  • authentication
  • rate limiting
  • status endpoint


The following configuration is included in the ssp-base Docker image:


use SimpleSAML\Module\silauth\Auth\Source\config\ConfigManager;

$config = [
    // ...
    'silauth' => ConfigManager::getSspConfig(),

The ConfigManager::getSspConfig helper expects the following environment variables to be defined:


Reference local.env.dist for details on each of these variables.

Database Migrations

To create another database migration file, run the following (replacing YourMigrationName with whatever you want the migration to be named, using CamelCase):

make migration NAME=YourMigrationName

Rate Limiting

SilAuth will rate limit failed logins by username and by every untrusted IP address from a login attempt.

tl;dr ("the short version")

If there have been more than 10 failed logins for a given username (or IP address) within the past hour, a captcha will be included in the webpage. The user may or may not have to directly interact with the captcha, though.

If there have been more than 50 failed logins for that username (or IP address) within the past hour, logins for that username (or IP address) will be blocked for up to an hour.


For each login attempt, if it has too many failed logins within the last hour (aka. recent failed logins) for the given username OR for any single untrusted IP address associated with the current request, it will do one of the following:

  • If there are fewer than Authenticator::REQUIRE_CAPTCHA_AFTER_NTH_FAILED_LOGIN recent failures: process the request normally.
  • If there are at least that many, but fewer than Authenticator::BLOCK_AFTER_NTH_FAILED_LOGIN: require the user to pass a captcha.
  • If there are more than that: block that login attempt for (recent failures above the limit)^2 seconds after the most recent failed login, with a minimum of 3 (so blocking for 9 seconds).
  • Note: the blocking time is capped at an hour, so if no more failures occur, then the user will be unblocked in no more than an hour.

See features/login.feature for descriptions of how various situations are handled. That file not only contains human-readable scenarios, but those are also actual tests that are run to ensure those descriptions are correct.

Example 1
  • if there have been 4 failed login attempts for john_smith, and
  • there have been 10 failed login attempts from, and
  • there have been 3 failed login attempts from, and
  • someone tries to login as john_smith from and their request goes through a proxy at, then
  • they will have to pass a captcha, but they will not yet be blocked.
Example 2
  • However, if all of the above is true, but
  • there have now been 55 failed login attempts from, then
  • any request involving that IP address will be blocked for 25 seconds after the most recent of those failed logins.

Excluding trusted IP addresses from IP address based rate limiting

Since this application enforces rate limits based on the number of recent failed login attempts by both username and IP address, and since it looks at both the REMOTE_ADDR and the X-Forwarded-For header for IP addresses, you will want to list any IP addresses that should NOT be rate limited (such as your load balancer) in the TRUSTED_IP_ADDRESSES environment variable (see local.env.dist).

Status Check

To check the status of the website, you can access this URL: https://(your domain name)/module.php/silauth/status.php

SilDisco module for SAML Discovery

A SimpleSAMLphp module containing a custom IdP Discovery class and four Authentication Processing filters. It is meant to be used as a SAML Hub, also known as a SAML Proxy. For more information, see the Module Overview in the docs/ folder.


Authentication Process filters

Detailed documentation is in Editing Authprocs in the docs/ folder of this repo. Following is a brief summary:

Two of the AuthProc filters are configured in the SimpleSAMLphp config.php file when the HUB_MODE variable is set to true:

if ($HUB_MODE) {
    // prefix the 'member' (urn:oid: attribute elements with idp.idp_name.
    $config['authproc.idp'][48] = 'sildisco:TagGroup';
    $config['authproc.idp'][49] = 'sildisco:AddIdp2NameId';

The LogUser AuthProc can be configured in saml20-idp-remote.php:

$metadata[''] = [
    // ...
    'authproc' => [
        97 => [
            'class' =>'sildisco:LogUser',
            'DynamoRegion' => 'us-east-1',
            'DynamoLogTable' => 'idp-hub-prod-user-log',

The TrackIdps AuthProc can be configured in saml20-idp-hosted.php:

$metadata[''] = [
    // ...
    'authproc' => [
        95 => [
            'class' => 'sildisco:TrackIdps',

The Hub

For a full description of The Hub, see the docs/ folder.


Details for Development in the docs/ folder.

Functional Testing

Information about Functional Testing in the docs/ folder.