For the purpose of this demo we will compare several sort algorithms using timeit
- Python installed
timeit will measure the time spent to execute some statements. We will use repeat method from timeit
times = repeat(setup=setup_code, stmt=stmt, repeat=1, number=1)
Timeit measure the time spent to run stmt
executed number
repeat method runs it repeat
times and return an array of measured time.
contains the code to run and measure the sorting algorithm.
The sorting algorithm are defined in simple/
. You can define your own and test it
- Define some test cases
- array is already sorted (1, 3, 5, 9, 11)
- array is already sorted but the min value is at the end (3, 5, 9, 11, 1)
- array is sorted but in reversed order (11, 9, 5, 3, 1)
- For each of those determine which algorithm is the better for 10_000 values
For the purpose of this demo we will test a simple REST API hosted locally in a docker image
- Docker installed
- Check if docker is properly installed
docker run "hello-world"
- Retrieve swaggerapi/petstore docker image
docker pull swaggerapi/petstore
- Run the container and check it is correctly serving the API at http://localhost:8080
docker run -d -e SWAGGER_HOST=http://localhost -e SWAGGER_BASE_PATH=/v2 -p 8080:8080 swaggerapi/petstore
Open locust_files\
Run locust
locust -f locust_files/ --host http://localhost:8080
Optionaly an actual online rest API can be tested
- Work in virtual environment
or (depending on the sytem)
python - m venv .venv .venv\scripts\activate
source .venv/bin/activate
- Install the requirements
pip install requirements.txt
- Install the development requirements
pip install requirements_dev.txt
Run the tests
pytest tests
Open tests\ and analyse the code
Follow the instructions
Once all done check the test's coverage using this command line
pytest tests --cov=stringlib --cov-report html
Check the coverage and if needed add tests to reach 100% coverage
Use Test Driven Development to code those requirements.
TDD principles:
- Write the test
- Run the test -> it must fail
- Code the minimum feature to make the test pass
3.1 Check the produced code is fully covered by test - Move on to the next requirement
- At one stage refactor your code to make it simpler/nicer, to remove duplication
- Easy one to start : Write a function that returns "Hello world"
- Create a calculator (a class or a module or a file) with those methods:
- add to compute the sum of two values
- substr to compute the substraction of two values
- multiply to compute the multiplication of two values
- divide to compute the division of one value by the other
- average to compute the average of a list of values
Ask if requirements are not clear enough
Test happy path, limit cases and expected error cases.
Use parametrized test if possible
Compute coverage and add tests to reach 100% coverage\
Once done, refactor you code to have:
- substr calling add
- divide calling multiply
- average calling statistics.mean
- Install postman
- Download swagger file from
Open Postman Import the swagger file (API definition file)
Launch Find Pets By status Update it to test the result of the request In test tabs add :
pm.test("Status test", function () {;
Do the same for the Add a new pet query
Duplicate this query and create a negative test (wrong id) with expected 500 code as answer
Work to do:
- Get a valid pet ID using Find Pets by status and use it in Find pet by ID, add a test on 200 status
- Using a really big ID add a negative test on Find pet by ID and test 404 status
- Using Add a new pet create a well known Pet and test Find pet by ID with this ID and add a test checking the 'name' attribute
- Create a test suite with
- a test creating one Pet setting the ID as global variable and testing 200
- a test getting the Pet using the ID of the previous one and testing the name
- a test deleting the Pet using the ID and testing the result
Open a runner tab, launch the full test suite and check the results
It can also be done without the GUI, in command line using newman, example using the docker image of newman
docker run -v /mnt/d/Projects/test_training/postman:/etc/newman -t postman/newman:ubuntu run "tests.json"
install selenium libraries
pip install selenium
install selenium web driver for chrome
install selenium ide
Launch selenium IDE and start recording a search on (PEP 604)
Save the test
Play the test
Open and run
Demo of ide code generation
Work to do: test on Check the title of the pages with the ide
- Accueil
- Le campus
- Formations
- Contacts Generate python and run from python and change the code with contains (substr in str)