Kraken Price API
- Go 1.22.5
- Docker and Docker Compose: For containerized deployment.
- Internet Connection: Required for API calls to Kraken.
How to run the application
- Locally
Clone the repository: git clone cd kraken-price-api
Build and run the application: go build -o main ./cmd/server/main.go ./main
- Using Docker
- Clone the repository: git clone cd bitcoin-ltp-service
- Build and run using Docker Compose: docker-compose up --build
The service will be available at http://localhost:8080.
- API Usage GET /api/v1/ltp: Retrieves the LTP for Bitcoin in various currency pairs. Response: {"ltp":[{"pair":"BTC/USD","price":86263.4},{"pair":"BTC/CHF","price":77447.6},{"pair":"BTC/EUR","price":82335.3}]}