pip install cltrier_nlp
The project is managed by Poetry, a dependency management and packaging library. Please set up a local version according to the official installation guidelines. When finished, install the local repository as follows:
# install package dependencies
poetry install
# add pre-commit to git hooks
poetry run pre-commit install
poetry run pytest
poetry run pre-commit run --all-files
├── Makefile <- Makefile containing development targets
├── README.md <- top-level README
├── pyproject.toml <- package-level (poetry) configuration
├── mkdocs.yaml <- documentation configuration
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml <- git pre-commit actions
├── cltrier_nlp <- root source
│ └── corpus <- nltk inspired corpus module
│ └── encoder <- huggingface auto model wrapper
│ └── trainer <- pytorch training algorithm
│ └── functional <- generic helper functions
│ └── utility <- utility classes and types
├── tests <- unittests
├── examples <- usage/application examples
├── scripts <- additional package building scripts
│ └── gen_docs_pages.py <- automatic doc generation based on docstrings
- tests: add encoder testing
- tests: add functional testing
- tests: add utility testing
- cltrier_nlp:trainer: modernize and refactor
- examples:application: encoder with manifold reduction
- examples:application: encoder with unsupervised clustering
- examples:application: training pipeline with pytorch MLP
- Project Template (Data Science): https://github.com/drivendata/cookiecutter-data-science
- Project Template (Poetry): https://github.com/fpgmaas/cookiecutter-poetry