- Link to Site: https://teamups.herokuapp.com/
- BACKEND REPO: https://github.com/BrenLau/TeamUpProject/tree/main/backend
- Summary: TeamUps is a website where users are able to create events to team up with other users who apply.
- ScreenShots: https://github.com/BrenLau/TeamUpProject/wiki/App-in-Action
- List of techs/languages/plugins/APIs:
- AWS S3
- Javascript
- React
- Express
- PostgreSQL
ToDos: Add Group/Categories for events, add recommended events feature for each event/user
Feature List Document https://github.com/BrenLau/TeamUpProject/wiki/MVP-List
REACT Components list
- Create Event Form
- EachEvent (for each individual event)
- MyEvents (to see all of logged in users posted events)
- updateform (to update an event)
- LoginFormPage (to log in, with ability to use a demo user)
- MyRequests (to see all events that the user has RSVP'd to)
- Navigation (NavBar to easily move through urls)
- ProfileButton
- SignupFormPage (to sign up for an account on the site)
- Home.js (home page with all events in chronological order of the event date)
Database Schema https://github.com/BrenLau/TeamUpProject/wiki/SCHEMA
FrontEnd Routes Document https://github.com/BrenLau/TeamUpProject/wiki/FRONT-END-ROUTES
API Routes Document https://github.com/BrenLau/TeamUpProject/wiki/API-DOCUMENTATION
Redux Store Tree Document https://github.com/BrenLau/TeamUpProject/wiki/State-Shape