Below are sets of badges SWUNG badges that can be used on projects, pages, articles and anything web based be it a blog article or an open source github repo, so show a connection between the project or material and the SWUNG community.
Badges are not just shiny they have links in too that allow you to easily direct people to where they can find out more about your project or even reach your's project's channel in SWUNG's slack directly.
The badges are based on the service and are very customisable. Below there are a couple of quick Grab&Go badges but also a mini guide on how to customise (you might be able ot do more than this, if you want to check out the sheilds
docs )
To get a specific badge, copy the markdown from the respective cell and add it to your markdown page.
Want Restructured Text? jump to README.rst
To change the target channel, edit the link at the end of the string
Swung | Rocks - Links to
- markdown structure
- changing color
- changing text
- changing link
- pointing to a specific swung slack channel