Metrics is a set of applications to collect and review software project metrics like performance, build stability, and codebase quality.
A CLI application that integrates with popular CI tools to collect software project metrics.
Provides a common classes to use within Metrics applications.
Stores configurations for Firestore, Firebase Cloud Functions and deployment on Firebase Hosting.
A web application that displays project metrics on easy to navigate Dashboard.
The following diagram demonstrates the relationships between the above constitutes of Metrics:
We've tried to document all important decisions & approaches used for the development of this project. Reading each document is not an easy task and requires some time and patience. To help you get started, we collected the most useful documents that should help you to make fist steps:
- Metrics developer configuration ⚙️
- Why create a metrics platform? 🤔
- GitHub Agile process 📈
- Dart code style 💅
- Collaboration 🙌
Furthermore, every Metrics component requires component-specific documentation. Thus, to get started with the CI integrations
it is recommended to get familiar with the following documents:
Similarly, here is a list for the Firebase
In contrast with the above components, Web
requires more steps to follow:
- Project metrics definitions 📖
- Metrics dashboard 🤓
- Metrics Web Application architecture 🚶
- Metrics Web presentation layer architecture 🏃
- Widget structure organization 🚴
Detect flaky tests by analyzing JUnit XML files and orchestrate tools like Slack, Jira to notify the team.
Follow the next links to get acquainted with the Metrics project design:
You can find complete Metrics documentation using the following links: