Workshop and examples for docker and k8s class
- Docker (Required)
- Mac
- Download and install Docker for mac
- Window
- Window 10 Pro and above
- Window 10 Home and below
- Mac
- K8S Minikube (Required)
- Mac
- brew install minikube
- kubectl alias
- Window
- choco install minikube
- Mac
- Useful Tools
- Window
- Mac
- Travis Account (Optional)
- AWS Free Account (Optional)
Recommended: Do not use kubernetes that packed with Docker for Desktop
- Docker
- docker run hello-world
- K8S
- minikube status
- kubectl cluster-info
- Package Manager
- Window
- choco -?
- Mac
- brew --version
- Window
K8S command
- k get all
- k delete all --all
- k exec pod/busybox -i -t -- (command)
- k logs (pod name)
- k describe (service name) (name)
- minikube service list
- minikube dashboard
- will show all env. that use in the POD and lead to find information
- we can see many information and secret in there