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View Job Information

sorenxing edited this page Feb 25, 2018 · 1 revision

Use job-list to list lastest 50 job's short information.

pangolin> job-list
|The Job key        |Job Description|Processor key         |Cron Expression|Source|Status|
|exmpale_github_blog|<empty>        |css_selector_processor|<empty>        |manual|Normal|

Use the -v option to show the detail information.

pangolin> job-list -v
|The Job key        |Job Description|Processor key         |Cron Expression|Source|Status|Payload                                                                     |Attributes                                                     |Job Created Time       |Job Last Modified Time |
|exmpale_github_blog|<empty>        |css_selector_processor|<empty>        |manual|Normal|[                                                                           |{                                                              |2018-02-24 11:49:09 CST|2018-02-24 11:49:09 CST|
|                   |               |                      |               |      |      |..{                                                                         |.."file_output":.{                                             |                       |                       |
|                   |               |                      |               |      |      |...."key":."list",                                                          |...."dir":."/tmp/pangolin_exmaple_github_blog"                 |                       |                       |
|                   |               |                      |               |      |      |...."selector":."#blog-main.>>.div.posts.>",|..},                                                           |                       |                       |
|                   |               |                      |               |      |      |...."children":.[                                                           |.."loop":.{                                                    |                       |                       |
|                   |               |                      |               |      |      |......{                                                                     |...."links_pattern":."^http(s?)://github\\.com/blog\\?after=.+"|                       |                       |
|                   |               |                      |               |      |      |........"key":."title",                                                     |..},                                                           |                       |                       |
|                   |               |                      |               |      |      |........"selector":.""                                  |.."request_rate":.{                                            |                       |                       |
|                   |               |                      |               |      |      |......},                                                                    |...."expression":."1/10s"                                      |                       |                       |
|                   |               |                      |               |      |      |......{                                                                     |..},                                                           |                       |                       |
|                   |               |                      |               |      |      |........"key":."date",                                                      |.."url":.""                            |                       |                       |
|                   |               |                      |               |      |      |........"selector":.">.li:nth-child(1)"                   |}                                                              |                       |                       |
|                   |               |                      |               |      |      |......},                                                                    |                                                               |                       |                       |
|                   |               |                      |               |      |      |......{                                                                     |                                                               |                       |                       |
|                   |               |                      |               |      |      |........"key":."author",                                                    |                                                               |                       |                       |
|                   |               |                      |               |      |      |........"selector":.">.li.fn.meta-item"                   |                                                               |                       |                       |
|                   |               |                      |               |      |      |......}                                                                     |                                                               |                       |                       |
|                   |               |                      |               |      |      |....]                                                                       |                                                               |                       |                       |
|                   |               |                      |               |      |      |..}                                                                         |                                                               |                       |                       |
|                   |               |                      |               |      |      |]                                                                           |                                                               |                       |                       |

Use help job-list show more options.

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