Using GitHub to organize COVID emergency response.
Can we use GitHub to maintain patient records in a hospital? Here is a possible approach, and some illustrations.
With second wave of COVID burning through India, many organization are responding by setting by hospitals. I learnt about one such organization, Doctors for You, which has - as on May 09 2021 - set up 16 COVID hospitals, and plans to double in 2 weeks. While they hasted to deploy people and resources, they also need agile, robust and cost-effective ways to organize information.
From a leader in this organization, I found out that these hospitals require the following:
- Supply chain management - for drugs
- Personnel management - for doctors, nurses and paramedics
- Bed allocation - these hospitals are inpatient care facilities
- Patient tracking - admission, treatment and discharge
This post seeks to address items 3 and 4.
GitHub is likely the world's most used software development, and it's bug/ spec management feature (called Isssues
) lends itself to tracking information in general. Issues are composed of comments, they can be tagged, assigned to users, added to milestones, and opened/ closed. These features are mapped to patient management and bed allocation functions in the next section.
Other features of the GitHub platform that are useful in this scenario are - organization-based data access control, role-based edit/ view access control, data isolation (using repositories), and the availabiilty of robust, well-design iOS and Android apps.
If you prefer, you can jump straight to examples by clicking here [INSERT URL TO SAMPLE ISSUE].
Issue numbers are unique, can be used as patient IDs. All edits to issues can be tracked.
- Issue Title > Patient Name, age/ gender
- Issue Comment 1 > DoB, Emergency contact Mobile # & Address
- Issue Comment 2 > Date of Admission, Chief Complaint
- Issue Comment 3 > Workup/ triage details
- Issue Comment 4 > Medication plan
- Later issue comment > notes from care providers
GitHub allows us to add comments using templates. This feature can be used to ensure that users are prompted with enter appropriate data.
- Issues can be assigned to users (more on user management later). In this case, users = care providers.
- Issues can be assigned to multiple users at a time. GitHub allows up to 10 simultaneous assignees, which is sufficient to cover 3-shift operations with both medical and nursing staff.
- Users can assign an issue to other users, and unassign themselves (if they have the requisite permission).
- Issues can be tagged with labels.
- Labels = a composite of Ward & Bed number.
- Labels can be color coded.
- Once a patient is discharged from the hospital, or in the event of death, their records can hidden from view by closing the issue.
- Issues can be reopened in case of re-admission.
- Users can also comment on closed issues - in case they want to add details post-discharge.
- Once an issue is closed, it should be unassigned and untagged.
- GitHub organizes information in repos (code repositories)
- One organization can have multiple repos, and individual repos can be set to public or priate access.
- Each repo can map to a hospital location.
- GitHub offers 3 primary types of roles for organization accoutns - owners, members, and collaborations. More details here.
- Hospital admins > Owners, Care providers > Members, Short-term specialists > Collaborators.
- Sample hospital with 10 beds; 5 in a male ward (with green labels), and 5 in a female ward (with blue labels).
- 2 sample patient records
- Open record for a male patient, assigned to a bed + user.
- Closed record for a female patient, who has been discharged.
A variety of filters are available on the issues page. Here is one snapshot.
- Checking for open beds is difficult
- Medication cannot be pulled from a standardized list
- Cannot set mandatory data fields - issues are free-text by design
- Highly flexible, robust, and ready for use
- Can be a good interim solution until a "regular" hospital management system is deployed
- Sagar, a gifted Android developer and all-round technology enthusiast.
I run a medical technology design & development firm, Lattice Innovations ( I have spent the last 15 years in healthcare - mostly in medical devices and software, but also with experience in running hospitals in rural/ peri-urban West Bengal.