'Website Checker' is a simple webpage that checks availability of a certain webpage!
if site's response code is equal 'OK' it takes a screenshot.
-Requires java 8.
-Requires MYSQL(mariadb) for storing user and website information.
-ScreenShot is based on chromedriver so it requires chromeium/chrome browser.
-Linux(ubuntu) only.
- Auto setup with admin account creation.
- Header with added websites status (Up/Down/Total) and MYSQL connection status.
- Basic login/signup.

- Server search.
- Adding a website to check
- Auto protocol checking
- Auto 'www.' checking/adding.
- Checking for invalid website url as you type.
- Displaying checked servers
- with the checked date.
- with statistics of it's availablity.
- with delete button if you are the adder(admins can delete servers regardless of it's adder)
Developed with Vaadin 8.