git clone -q ~/.config/nvim --depth 1 && nvim
git clone -q [email protected]:spectrasonic117/NvChad.git ~/.config/nvim --depth 1 && nvim
NvChad is a neovim config written in lua aiming to provide a base configuration with very beautiful UI and blazing fast startuptime (around 0.02 secs ~ 0.07 secs). We tweak UI plugins such as telescope, nvim-tree, bufferline etc well to provide an aesthetic UI experience.
Lazy loading is done 93% of the time meaning that plugins will not be loaded by default, they will be loaded only when required also at specific commands, events etc. This lowers the startuptime and it was like 0.07~ secs tested on an old pentium machine 1.4ghz + 4gb ram & HDD.
NvChad isn't a framework! It's supposed to be used as a "base" config, so users can tweak the defaults well, and also remove the things they don't like in the default config and build their config on top of it. Users can tweak the entire default config while staying in their custom config (lua/custom dir). This is the control center of the user's config and gitignored so the users can stay up-to-date with NvChad's latest config (main branch) while still controlling it with their chadrc (file that controls entire custom dir).
Images (Click to expand!)
Fast file tree:
A fuzzy file finder, picker, sorter, previewer and much more:
- Here's a video that showcases it.
- Many beautiful themes, theme toggler by our base46 plugin
- Inbuilt terminal toggling & management with Nvterm
- NvChad updater, hide & unhide terminal buffers with NvChad extensions
- Lightweight & performant ui plugin with NvChad UI It provides statusline modules, tabufline ( tabs + buffer manager) , beautiful cheatsheets and much more!
- File navigation with nvim-tree.lua
- Beautiful and configurable icons with nvim-web-devicons
- Git diffs and more with gitsigns.nvim
- NeoVim Lsp configuration with nvim-lspconfig and mason.nvim
- Autocompletion with nvim-cmp
- File searching, previewing image and text files and more with telescope.nvim.
- Syntax highlighting with nvim-treesitter
- Autoclosing braces and html tags with nvim-autopairs
- Indentlines with indent-blankline.nvim
- Useful snippets with friendly snippets + LuaSnip.
- Popup mappings keysheet whichkey.nvim
If you like NvChad and would like to support & appreciate it via donation then I'll gladly accept it.
Elianiva helped me with NeoVim Lua related issues many times, NvChad wouldn't exist without his help at all as he helped me in my initial neovim journey!
@lorvethe for making the beautiful NvChad logo.
The original creator of NVChad (Oviously)