This repo is archived since I no longer take any new courses in NJU. Goodbye and good luck to you all!
I believe everyone has the freedom over everything, including being irresponsible for himself.
Someone folked without starring? That makes me hurt... If you find this helpful, plz consider giving a star and let others see this. Thanks! ^_^
pa2020: ICS 大作业(NEMU 模拟器)
DS2020_fall_MYSTL: 个人实现的标准库,用于应付数据结构不允许使用 STL 的 oj
Compiler2021: 编译原理作业(c--编译器)
CN2021_spring: 计算机网络作业
OS2021_spring: 操作系统作业(x86 操作系统)
FLA2021_fall: 形式语言与自动机大作业(图灵机模拟器)
AOpt2022: 高级优化作业
TS2022: 时间序列分析作业
SSP2023: 语音信号处理大作业(智能天气语音助手)
NN2024: 神经网络大作业(神经网络框架)