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Add hironxjsk-interface supporting impedance and hand
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pazeshun committed Jun 26, 2018
1 parent fb2b1e7 commit 0c84143
Showing 1 changed file with 183 additions and 0 deletions.
183 changes: 183 additions & 0 deletions hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials/euslisp/hironxjsk-interface.l
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
(load "package://hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l")
(require :hironxjsk "package://hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials/models/hironxjsk.l")
(when (probe-file (ros::resolve-ros-path "package://hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials/euslisp/hironxjsk-utils.l"))
(require :hironxjsk-utils "package://hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials/euslisp/hironxjsk-utils.l"))
(if (ros::resolve-ros-path "package://hironx_ros_bridge")
(ros::load-ros-manifest "hironx_ros_bridge"))

(defclass hironxjsk-interface
:super rtm-ros-robot-interface
:slots ())

;; Initialize
(defmethod hironxjsk-interface
;; Based on hrp2jsknts-interface.l
(:init (&rest args)
(send-super* :init :robot hironxjsk-robot args)
;; add controller
(dolist (limb '(:rarm :larm :head :torso))
(send self :def-limb-controller-method limb)
(send self :add-controller (read-from-string (format nil "~A-controller" limb))
:joint-enable-check t :create-actions t))))
(&key (debug-view nil) (ros-pkg-name "hrpsys_ros_bridge"))
;; First, define ROSBridge method for old impedance controller
(if (ros::resolve-ros-path "package://hironx_ros_bridge")
(send-super :define-all-ROSBridge-srv-methods :ros-pkg-name "hironx_ros_bridge"))
;; Second, define ROSBridge method based on hrpsys_ros_bridge
;; Method created already is not overwritten, so we can keep using old impedance controller
;; See :get-ROSBridge-method-def-macro
(send-super :define-all-ROSBridge-srv-methods)))

;; ImpedanceControllerService
;; Based on in hironx_ros_bridge and rtm-ros-robot-interface.l.
;; Enable methods executable with old impedance controller and disable others.
;; The reason why I don't use def-set-get-param-method is that
;; OpenHRP_ImpedanceControllerService_setImpedanceControllerParam.srv has element "name" inside i_param,
;; while OpenHRP_ImpedanceControllerService_getImpedanceControllerParam.srv has that element directly.
;; Set optional-args as (list :name 'name) -> multiple declaration of variable "name" in set-param-method.
;; Set optional-args as nil -> pass nothing in service call of get-param-method.
(defmethod hironxjsk-interface
(:raw-set-impedance-controller-param (&rest args)
(error ";; :raw-set-impedance-controller-param cannot be used with hironx~%"))
(:raw-get-impedance-controller-param (&rest args)
(error ";; :raw-get-impedance-controller-param cannot be used with hironx~%"))
(limb &rest args &key (m-p 100) (d-p 100) (k-p 100) (m-r 100) (d-r 2000) (k-r 2000)
(ref-force #f(0 0 0)) (force-gain #f(1 1 1)) (ref-moment #f(0 0 0))
(moment-gain #f(0 0 0)) (sr-gain 1) (avoid-gain 0) (reference-gain 0)
(manipulability-limit 0.1))
"Start impedance controller mode.
limb should be limb symbol name such as :rarm, :larm, or :arms."
(let (sensor-name target-name)
(cond ((eq limb :rarm)
(setq sensor-name "rhsensor" target-name "RARM_JOINT5"))
((eq limb :larm)
(setq sensor-name "lhsensor" target-name "LARM_JOINT5"))
((eq limb :arms)
(return-from :start-impedance
(mapcar #'(lambda (l) (send* self :start-impedance l args))
'(:rarm :larm))))
(t (error ";; No such limb: ~A~%." limb)))
(send self :impedancecontrollerservice_setimpedancecontrollerparam :i_param
(instance hironx_ros_bridge::OpenHRP_ImpedanceControllerService_impedanceParam :init
:name sensor-name :base_name "CHEST_JOINT0" :target_name target-name
:m_p m-p :d_p d-p :k_p k-p :m_r m-r :d_r d-r :k_r k-r :ref_force ref-force
:force_gain force-gain :ref_moment ref-moment :moment_gain moment-gain
:sr_gain sr-gain :avoid_gain avoid-gain :reference_gain reference-gain
:manipulability_limit manipulability-limit))))
(:raw-start-impedance (&rest args)
(error ";; :raw-start-impedance cannot be used with hironx~%"))
(:start-impedance-no-wait (&rest args)
(error ";; :start-impedance-no-wait cannot be used with hironx~%"))
(:stop-impedance (limb)
"Stop impedance controller mode.
limb should be limb symbol name such as :rarm, :larm, or :arms."
(let (sensor-name)
(cond ((eq limb :rarm)
(setq sensor-name "rhsensor"))
((eq limb :larm)
(setq sensor-name "lhsensor"))
((eq limb :arms)
(return-from :stop-impedance
(mapcar #'(lambda (l) (send self :stop-impedance l))
'(:rarm :larm))))
(t (error ";; No such limb: ~A~%." limb)))
(send self :impedancecontrollerservice_deleteimpedancecontrollerandwait :name sensor-name)))
(:stop-impedance-no-wait (limb)
(let (sensor-name)
(cond ((eq limb :rarm)
(setq sensor-name "rhsensor"))
((eq limb :larm)
(setq sensor-name "lhsensor"))
((eq limb :arms)
(return-from :stop-impedance-no-wait
(mapcar #'(lambda (l) (send self :stop-impedance-no-wait l))
'(:rarm :larm))))
(t (error ";; No such limb: ~A~%." limb)))
(send self :impedancecontrollerservice_deleteimpedancecontroller :name sensor-name)))
(:wait-impedance-controller-transition (&rest args)
(error ";; :wait-impedance-controller-transition cannot be used with hironx~%"))
(:set-impedance-controller-param (&rest args)
(error ";; In hironx, we cannot tell :set-impedance-controller-param from :start-impedance~%"))
(:get-impedance-controller-param (limb)
(let (sensor-name)
(cond ((eq limb :rarm)
(setq sensor-name "rhsensor"))
((eq limb :larm)
(setq sensor-name "lhsensor"))
((eq limb :arms)
(return-from :get-impedance-controller-param
(mapcar #'(lambda (l) (send self :get-impedance-controller-param l))
'(:rarm :larm))))
(t (error ";; No such limb: ~A~%." limb)))
(send (send self :impedancecontrollerservice_getimpedancecontrollerparam :name sensor-name)
(:get-impedance-controller-controller-mode (&rest args)
(error ";; :get-impedance-controller-controller-mode cannot be used with hironx~%"))
(:force-sensor-method (&rest args)
(error ";; :force-sensor-method cannot be used with hironx~%")))

;; ServoControllerService for hand
;; Based on in hironx_ros_bridge and hrp2-common-interface.l
(defmethod hironxjsk-interface
(av &optional (tm 1000) (hand :hands))
(let (av-rad-list)
;; Convert deg float-vector (or list) to rad list
(dotimes (i (length av))
(push (deg2rad (elt av i)) av-rad-list))
(setq av-rad-list (reverse av-rad-list))
(cond ((eq hand :hands)
(send self :servocontrollerservice_setjointangles :jvs av-rad-list :tm (/ tm 1000.0)))
((or (eq hand :rhand) (eq hand :lhand))
(send self :servocontrollerservice_setjointanglesofgroup
:gname (string-downcase hand) :jvs av-rad-list :tm (/ tm 1000.0)))
(t (error ";; No such hand: ~A~%." hand)))))
(:hand-servo-on ()
(send self :servocontrollerservice_servoon))
(:hand-servo-off ()
(send self :servocontrollerservice_servooff))
(:set-hand-effort (&optional (effort 100))
"effort is percentage"
(dolist (id (list 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
(send self :servocontrollerservice_setmaxtorque :id id :percentage effort)))
(:hand-width2angles (width)
(let ((safetymargin 3) (l1 41.9) (l2 19) xpos a2pos a1radh a1rad a1deg)
(when (or (< width 0) (> width (* (- (+ l1 l2) safetymargin) 2)))
(return-from :hand-width2angles nil))
(setq xpos (+ (/ width 2.0) safetymargin))
(setq a2pos (- xpos l2))
(setq a1radh (acos (/ a2pos l1)))
(setq a1rad (- (/ pi 2.0) a1radh))
(setq a1deg (rad2deg a1rad))
(float-vector a1deg (- a1deg) (- a1deg) a1deg)))
(:set-hand-width (hand width &key (tm 1000) effort)
(when effort
(send self :set-hand-effort effort))
(send self :hand-angle-vector (send self :hand-width2angles width) tm hand))
(:start-grasp (&optional (arm :arms) &key effort)
(cond ((eq arm :rarm)
(send self :set-hand-width :rhand 0 :effort effort))
((eq arm :larm)
(send self :set-hand-width :lhand 0 :effort effort))
((eq arm :arms)
(send self :set-hand-width :rhand 0 :effort effort)
(send self :set-hand-width :lhand 0 :effort effort))
(t (error ";; No such arm: ~A~%." arm))))
(:stop-grasp (&optional (arm :arms) &key effort)
(cond ((eq arm :rarm)
(send self :set-hand-width :rhand 100 :effort effort))
((eq arm :larm)
(send self :set-hand-width :lhand 100 :effort effort))
((eq arm :arms)
(send self :set-hand-width :rhand 100 :effort effort)
(send self :set-hand-width :lhand 100 :effort effort))
(t (error ";; No such arm: ~A~%." arm)))))

(defun hironxjsk-init (&rest args)
(if (not (boundp '*ri*))
(setq *ri* (instance* hironxjsk-interface :init args)))
(if (not (boundp '*hironxjsk*))
(setq *hironxjsk* (instance hironxjsk-robot :init))))

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