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Tags: stephenjason89/bun-pulse



chore(release): 1.5.1 [skip ci]

## [1.5.1](v1.5.0...v1.5.1) (2024-12-03)

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* disable axiomClient gracefully when no API key is provided ([ada6e53](ada6e53))

### 📦 Chores

* include .env.example and support AXIOM_DATASET customization ([6bbfed3](6bbfed3))
* **release:** 1.5.1-beta.1 [skip ci] ([8d2d7ad](8d2d7ad))
* updated releaserc ([110b1b8](110b1b8))


chore(release): 1.5.1-develop.1 [skip ci]

## [1.5.1-develop.1](v1.5.0...v1.5.1-develop.1) (2024-12-03)

### Bug Fixes

* disable axiomClient gracefully when no API key is provided ([ada6e53](ada6e53))


chore(release): 1.5.1-beta.1 [skip ci]

## [1.5.1-beta.1](v1.5.0...v1.5.1-beta.1) (2024-12-03)

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* disable axiomClient gracefully when no API key is provided ([ada6e53](ada6e53))

### 📦 Chores

* include .env.example and support AXIOM_DATASET customization ([6bbfed3](6bbfed3))
* updated releaserc ([110b1b8](110b1b8))


chore(release): 1.5.0 [skip ci]

# [1.5.0](v1.4.0...v1.5.0) (2024-11-07)

### Bug Fixes

* fire `channel_vacated` webhook solely for empty presence channels ([4ec5954](4ec5954))
* update subscription logic to trigger notifyChannelVacancy for empty public and private channels ([e0e09ae](e0e09ae))

### Features

* add signature authentication to notifyChannelVacancy webhook ([d89be6d](d89be6d))
* added Bun.serve options support to startBunPulse ([145f8f8](145f8f8))
* implement delay for channel vacated webhook ([7812a99](7812a99))
* implemented presence channel ([a6657d0](a6657d0))
* initial implementation of WebSocket server with Pusher protocol support ([1736228](1736228))
* integrate axiom logging for webSocket events ([3aafcf3](3aafcf3))
* support multiple connections per user in presence channels ([71b9678](71b9678))
* supported public channels ([858e40d](858e40d))
* used bun CryptoHasher instead of node:crypto alternative ([0375ad5](0375ad5))
* **utils:** add utilities for generating socket IDs, HMAC SHA-256 hex digests, & consola message logger ([45b1573](45b1573))