Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- Using data set J1136+1551_20100106_hi.xlsx for astro.R
The data set J1136+1551_20100106_hi provides the values of on-pulse and off-pulse energies for a pulse sequence of length 1000 for J1136+1551 pulsar. The on-pulse energies are expected to have two components, viz. null component (expected to have Gaussian distribution with the same mean and variance as the off-pulse energies) and the non-null com- ponent (which can have wide range of shapes). The aim of the analysis is to estimate the Nulling Fraction (proportion of the null component).
The plots are Rplot.png,Rplot1.png,Rplot2.png,Rplot3.png,Rplot4.png
- Use Neutron Stars data. The data gives log-transformed measurements on spin period and magnetic field for neutron stars of different types. For the purpose of the current analysis, we use only the stars from class 1.
Neutron Stars.txt for NPRegr.R