Pedro Rocha
Automatically injects script tags into a page. Nice for auto put script tags in angular apps.
scriptinject: {
dev: {
srcs: ['src/frontend/modules/app.js', 'src/frontend/modules/*/*.js', 'src/frontend/modules/*/*/*.js'], //order is important if this sciprt will be concated and minified
html: 'src/application.html', //file that as the block comment to look for a place to insert the script tags
without: 'src/' //this script will be used to remove this block of string of script tag file location
withoutsCsv: 'src/,src/multi/' //this script will be used to remove multiple block of string of script tag file location
<!-- scriptinject begin -->
//everything here will be replace by all script loaded. You can run this task many times you want.
<!-- scriptinject end -->