Releases: sumn2u/learn-javascript
Releases Β· sumn2u/learn-javascript
What's Changed
- Add Web APIs section with examples by @srishti-coder in #213
- Add Chapter 26: JavaScript Animation Resources (English) by @naeem4633 in #214
- Add "Classes" section to intermediate interview questions by @deyantomov in #218
- Add "JavaScript behind the scenes" section with key concepts by @Hachondeoro in #217
- Added more chapters to Behind scenes by @Hachondeoro in #219
- Add new articles on
keyword, rest operator, and more by @Hachondeoro in #220 - fix closures design by @sumn2u in #221
- fix scroll up issue on sidebar by @sumn2u in #224
New Contributors
- @srishti-coder made their first contribution in #213
- @naeem4633 made their first contribution in #214
- @deyantomov made their first contribution in #218
- @Hachondeoro made their first contribution in #217
Full Changelog: 1.5...1.6
What's Changed
- Write space and time complexity chapter by @starvader13 in #114
- Translated books by @sumn2u in #197
- Update Array Chapter by @Anuj-Khadka in #198
- Update Array Chapters by @Anuj-Khadka in #199
- Translated books by @sumn2u in #200
- Console math and boolean exercises implements by @Lensco825 in #203
- Added some sections to the Unit testing chapter by @nickAP02 in #205
New Contributors
- @starvader13 made their first contribution in #114
- @nickAP02 made their first contribution in #205
Full Changelog: 1.3...1.4
What's Changed
- interview-questions/basic-level by @ayushi-ras in #75
- Create by @Youngemmy5956 in #76
- Solved #81 issue by @SusheelThapa in #87
- [feat]: Create a nested-if-else explannation and examples issue #84 by @purnasth in #85
- Updated Javascript Basic Interview questions by @ayushi-ras in #86
- I have added content to interview questions basic and advanced section by @kumar007ambi in #78
- added a list of learning resources for JavaScript by @anushka9555 in #94
- DOCS: Adding some new exercise by @SusheelThapa in #98
- Chore: Typos fixed in multiple files by @SusheelThapa in #99
- DOCS: Updated with explanation of new operators by @SusheelThapa in #100
- Chore: Typos fixed in design_patterns folder by @SusheelThapa in #104
- Added more questions to Basic level of Interview Questions by @kumar007ambi in #106
- Adding ES6 Concepts by @vaibhavpnimkar in #105
- Translation in german by @ayushi-ras in #91
- Update by @mkos11 in #116
- Updated for loop with for in loop by @SusheelThapa in #113
- Added getters and setters by @vishalkrishna8 in #115
- Added reverse array method by @Chandanmali in #110
- DOCS: Added for for of loop in js by @SusheelThapa in #126
- Added JavaScript Maps by @vishalkrishna8 in #122
- Added questions in advance level by @vishalkrishna8 in #125
- added filesystem , asynchronous and non blocking i/o by @dhakalmahima188 in #124
- feature/Contributions by @CrownPab in #135
- Added js by @NaMiKA0305 in #134
- Updated ref#130 by @JatinPhogat in #133
- Added split method by @Chandanmali in #121
- Added: charAt() method in string by @Chandanmali in #138
- Update by @Anuj-Khadka in #136
- added Indonesian Language and corrected typo error in English Language by @virginus01 in #143
- Added some Interview Questions by @kumar007ambi in #139
- Added Interview question by @Ram-tyagi in #141
- Adding by @vaibhavpnimkar in #147
- updated /en/regular-expression.html by @myselfprincee in #146
- fix: Add OG image in metadata by @devxprite in #157
- [Added]: A basic level java interview question by @Bratajit-03 in #156
- [ADD] An advanced interview question by @dellucifer in #155
- Update by @05hiteshbansal in #149
- Added: substr() method in javascript by @Chandanmali in #145
- Added: substring in javascript by @Chandanmali in #144
- [ADD] An intermediate interview question by @Angad-Godara in #160
- Added break statement in loops section by @AmanSingh81757 in #159
- Adding the way to issue maintainers the need for translation by @moustaphaotf in #164
- fixed a small typo by @AmanSingh81757 in #161
- Bug: Navigation Links Not Highlighting on Scroll Down #152 by @P0Saurabh in #162
- [ADD] An Advance interview question by @SoulNikhar in #165
- fix: layout fixes of arrays length chapter by @sumn2u in #166
- style: change on promise chapter layout by @sumn2u in #167
- Update by @Prabhsingh0401 in #169
- Added some interview Questions and Answers. by @kumar007ambi in #170
- JavaScript Interview Questions [ Updated: Basic Level ] by @SoulNikhar in #173
- Adding recursive function by @Shashankpantiitbhilai in #177
- added a interview question on currying concept by @IndraniSom in #180
- Removal of Duplicate content from basic interview questions section by @kumar007ambi in #179
- adding in english lang by @Shashankpantiitbhilai in #176
- Set timeout and set interval documents by @Lensco825 in #182
- Translation in German by @sumn2u in #183
- Modify Nepali Traslations by @Anuj-Khadka in #186
- Spanish translation finished by @hamfree in #191
- Examples Added of ES6 Syntax by @VaibhavSharma24 in #194
- Added description on
chapter and inheritance by @Lensco825 in #192 - I have added more content to advanced questions section by @kumar007ambi in #190
New Contributors
- @Youngemmy5956 made their first contribution in #76
- @SusheelThapa made their first contribution in #87
- @purnasth made their first contribution in #85
- @kumar007ambi made their first contribution in #78
- @anushka9555 made their first contribution in #94
- @vaibhavpnimkar made their first contribution in #105
- @mkos11 made their first contribution in #116
- @vishalkrishna8 made their first contribution in #115
- @Chandanmali made their first contribution in #110
- @dhakalmahima188 made their first contribution in #124
- @NaMiKA0305 made their first contribution in #134
- @JatinPhogat made their first contribution in #133
- @virginus01 made their first contribution in #143
- @Ram-tyagi made their first contribution in #141
- @myselfprincee made their first contribution in #146
- @devxprite made their first contribution in #157
- @Bratajit-03 made their first contribution in #156
- @dellucifer made their first contribution in #155
- @05hiteshbansal made their first contribution in #149
- @Angad-Godara made their first contribution in #160
- @AmanSingh81757 made their first contribution in #159
- @P0Saurabh made their first contribution in #162
- @SoulNikhar made their first contribution in #165
- @Prabhsingh0401 made their first contribution in #169
- @Shashankpantiitbhilai made their first contribution in #177
- @IndraniSom made their first contribution in #180
- @Lensco825 made their first contribution in #182
- @hamfree made their first contribution in #191
- @VaibhavSharma24 made their first contribution in #194
Full Changelog: 1.2...1.3
French language support along with additional chapters!
What's Changed
- Update Introductions by @Anuj-Khadka in #36
- added server side code chapter by @ChiragAgg5k in #39
- Add single thread nature chapter by @bEluga0000 in #42
- API AJAX chapter by @bEluga0000 in #45
- Ecma script Chapter by @bEluga0000 in #48
- Advance level js interview questions by @TANYA03GUPTA in #51
- JavaScript Interview Questions [ Basic Level ] by @raj23689 in #53
- French translation by @scheuerkev in #54
- Callback chapter by @bEluga0000 in #55
- Edit readme title itallics by @bj-rutledge in #59
- Added JavaScript Interview Questions (intermediate level) by @deveshidwivedi in #61
- Feature/design patterns by @CrownPab in #62
- Readme file for Error Handling by @ayan-joshi in #67
- Translating into french jobs Part II by @moustaphaotf in #70
- Typos en version part ii translation jobs by @moustaphaotf in #71
New Contributors
- @ChiragAgg5k made their first contribution in #39
- @bEluga0000 made their first contribution in #42
- @TANYA03GUPTA made their first contribution in #51
- @raj23689 made their first contribution in #53
- @scheuerkev made their first contribution in #54
- @bj-rutledge made their first contribution in #59
- @deveshidwivedi made their first contribution in #61
- @CrownPab made their first contribution in #62
- @ayan-joshi made their first contribution in #67
- @moustaphaotf made their first contribution in #70
Full Changelog: 1.1...1.2
Turkish Language Support with other typo fixes
- Turkish translate ( @gnwx in #10 )
- fixed typo (@hemants1703 in #12 )
- Added Basics and updated existing documents with pagination (@gnwx in #13 )
- Screen properties table has duplicates (@gnwx in #14 )
- Translated bom (@gnwx in #15 )
- Translated classes section (@gnwx in #16 )
- translated conditional section (@gnwx in #17 )
- translated error handling section (@gnwx in #18 )
- typo in exercises section (@gnwx in #19 )
- Translated exercises section (@gnwx in #20 )
- Translated functions section (@gnwx in #21 )
- Translated loops section (@gnwx in #22 )
- Update (@Anuj-Khadka in #23 )
- Update Basics Chapter (@Anuj-Khadka in #24 )
- ΰ€ΰ€Ύΰ€·ΰ€Ώΰ€ ΰ€Άΰ₯ΰ€¦ΰ₯ΰ€§ΰ€Ώΰ€ΰ€°ΰ€£ (@codernirdesh in #25 )
- Translated last sections (@gnwx in #26)
- Nepali translation (@sumn2u in #9)
- Translate introduction section in Nepali (@Anuj-Khadka in #8)
- Replace all occurence of "karyakram" with program (@sahilxkhadka in #7 )
- Fix typo of contact (@RupeshBhandari in #6)
- Support internalization (@sumn2u in #2 )