- Boggle Solver
Github Deploy Link : https://sunny117.github.io/boggle_solver/index
->Used bootstrap-4.4.1 and Jquery-3.4.1 in this project ->The dictonary of english words for checking are taken from https://github.com/dwyl/english-words/blob/71fd8028395eb61be17e47f70dde0ae6994d9b72/words_dictionary.json
->The dictonary is stored in Trie data structure It has the following for an instance of Trie: -> child attribute which is another trie(part of the original trie actually) or null if it doesn't have a child -> leaf which denotes whether a word can be formed from the root to the present node. -> contains function which checks if a string is present in the trie ->has function which checks if the node has a character c as its child ->next function which points the present node to its child which has the character c ->insert function which inserts a string into the trie
** Instructions to follow ** -> Run the application -> Wait untill the dictonary of words is inserted into trie datastructure -> Give the dimensions of the boggle and press submit -> Fill the boggle board with lower case alphabets and the press the submit button below it -> You will get the output below which are the words that can be formed from the input boggle and also present in the english words of dictonary.
Feel free to make changes in the project and create a pull request