A Project written from pure python to symbolically solve ODEs on the Stokes groupoid.
Instructor: Professor Marco Gualtieri
Restate the problem that we want to solve:
Why singular: if we try to solve by putting it into a vector field, we need to divide both sides by
Instead of working away from singular point, we consider it on Stok_k(
In the case where we could find a fundamental solution easily (e.g. when
on a simply connected domain
In the case where we can't find it easily, we use Formal Gauge transform (call it
To do the Gauge transformation, the core idea is to transfer it to the case where
In order to solve this problem, we first need to make a change of variables
Then, let
In this step, we let
After this transform, the ODE becomes
After doing this, we make the second Gauge Transform to transform it to the finite case,
which is the transform
Finally, the simplified system is
and the overall Gauge transform is
After we get the fundamental solution
sympy 1.13.2
The Notebook of Constant_Case.ipynb contains many examples where
The General_Case.ipynb contains many examples where
One could view the examples by opening the ipynb files in github directly.
Gualtieri, Marco, Songhao Li, and Brent Pym. "The stokes groupoids." Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal) 2018.739 (2018): 81-119.