Development of a mobile quizzing application with React Native.
The entire development process of this app is documented in the author's project report.
Follow these steps:
Download Android Studio.
Open the Virtual Device Manager.
Create a new virtual device "Pixel 7" Phone with Android API 34.
Start the virtual device.
Clone the knowit repository from GitHub.
Open the knowit project in Visual Studio Code editor.
Click on View/Terminal to display the VS Code terminal.
Enter: npm start
This starts the app and creates a QR-code, that can be used on physical devices with the Expo Go app.
In the same Visual Studio Code terminal, enter the letter a
to start the Know-It app on the opened AVD.
This should automatically download the Expo Go app on the AVD and automatically open the Know-It app.
In case this does not work, try to re-open the AVD and make sure the Know-It application in the Visual Studio code is started after the AVD is opened. When pressing 'a' in the terminal the AVD must already be opened on the computer.
To test the Know-It app on a physical device:
Install the Expo Go App ( on a physical device
Open Expo Go and scan the QR-Code created from step 3. above
- Locate the Expo Go App
- Open Expo Go and click 'Scan QR code'
- Scan the QR code
- Expo Go automatically downloads
- and builds the Know-It app on the physical device
- The Know-It app opens automatically
- Start using the Know-It app
- Initially the Know-It app has no high scores
The following sections comprise of commands and bookmarks that were necessary to create the application.
This is a good starting point in case the project is developed further or similar projects are started.
Private, empty - no files, no license.
cd ProjectName
code .
Terminal/ New Terminal
Open new VS Code Terminal (plus icon)
This opens the React DevTools window which automatically connects to the iOS Simulator or AVD upon onening them (after the React Devtools were opened).
Open Android Studio
Open Virtual Device Manager (click 3 dots)
Create an Android Virtual Device (AVD)
Open the AVD (click play button)
Cached Project App opens automatically in the AVD
Close the Cached Project App and the Expo App (swipe up both apps)
In VS Code Terminal press "a"
The Expo App bundles the Project App again and automatically connects to the React DevTool.
With mocks directory.
npm run test
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git remote add origin [email protected]:username/reponame.git
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main
npx expo install @react-native-async-storage/async-storage