A modern React component library built on top of Radix UI and shadcn conventions, with built-in Tailwind CSS support, designed for building type-safe and theme-aware web applications.
- Pre-built React components with Tailwind CSS styling
- Custom component compositions and patterns
- Full TypeScript support
- Framework integration with Next.js, Remix and Vite
- Theme system with CSS variables and Tailwind
- Icon system with SVG sprite generation
- Dark/light mode support
- For Tailwind CSS v4.0.0 and above: Use latest version
- For older Tailwind CSS versions: Use version 0.1.28 or below
# For Tailwind >= 4.0.0
npm install @synopsisapp/symbiosis-ui
# For older Tailwind versions
npm install @synopsisapp/[email protected]
// filepath: vite.config.js or next.config.js
import { symbiosisUIPlugin } from '@synopsisapp/symbiosis-ui/plugin'
export default {
plugins: [
// Optional: SVG icons directory (default: 'assets/icons')
iconsDir: './assets/icons',
// Optional: Output directory (default: 'public')
publicDir: './public'
Your main CSS file needs two essential configurations:
- Import the theme layer from Symbiosis UI
- Configure the source path for Tailwind to detect component classes used by Symbiosis UI
/* filepath: app.css (or global.css or whatever you use as your global css file) */
@import 'tailwindcss';
@import 'tailwindcss/utilities';
@import '@synopsisapp/symbiosis-ui/src/tailwind.css' layer(theme);
@plugin "tailwindcss-animate";
/* Tell Tailwind where to find component classes */
@source "@synopsisapp/symbiosis-ui";
/* Optional: Default border color fix for Tailwind v4 */
@layer base {
::file-selector-button {
border-color: var(--color-gray-200, currentColor);
import { SymbiosisProvider } from '@synopsisapp/symbiosis-ui'
function App() {
return (
<SymbiosisProvider scheme="light">
<YourApp />
The library uses CSS variables for theming. At minimum, you need to define your main color palette:
@theme {
/* Default: Main Color Palette */
--color-main-light-400: #E6F3FF;
--color-main-light-300: #B3D4FF;
--color-main-light-200: #4490FF;
--color-main-light-100: #2252FF;
--color-main-base: #000aff;
--color-main-dark-100: #120BD4;
--color-main-dark-200: #2313AC;
--color-main-dark-300: #2C1787;
--color-main-dark-400: #2C1966;
--color-main-dark-500: #271747;
View all available theme options
The library supports extensive theming options including:
- Gray and Slate color scales
- Button variants (Primary, Outline, Ghost, Link)
- Destructive states
- Monochrome variants
- Focus ring customization
Available theme variables can be found in our theme configuration file.
Browse our component library and view live examples at symbiosis.synopsisapp.com
Our components are built on top of Radix UI primitives and shadcn conventions, with additional custom compositions and patterns specific to Symbiosis UI.
- Place SVG files in your icons directory
- The plugin generates:
- SVG sprite
- TypeScript types
- Icon names list
<Icon name="my-icon" />
git clone https://github.com/synopsisapp/symbiosis-ui.git
cd symbiosis-ui
npm install
npm run build
npm test
For questions and issues, please open a GitHub issue.