This scripts were created for visualizing home network statuses with Elasticsearch
. So main purpose of these is to send json data into Elasticsearch.
At the visualization phase, I used grafana
and make a dashboard like (written in Japanese) . No codes are here about the visualization phase.
Both of scripts use Elasticsearch. Please run Elasticsearch on your local machine with 9200 port.
Just only work on MacOS. Prepare network_status
as index at your Elasticsearch. This scirpt requires jq
, httpie
watch -n 5 ./
Work with Python 3.7.4. Lower versions are not confirmed to work but I think it will work. Please install libraries with requirements.txt.
ping -i 5 | python -u ping_google
http get http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices
http post http://localhost:9200/<index>
http post http://localhost:9200/<index>/<type>