- Input: NA
- Output: /Imu0/Raw, /Imu0/Mag, /Imu1/Raw, /Imu1/Mag, /Imu2/Raw, /Imu2/Mag
- Input: /Imu0/Raw, /Imu0/Mag, /Imu1/Raw, /Imu1/Mag, /Imu2/Raw, /Imu2/Mag
- Output: /Imu0, /Imu1, /Imu2
- Input: /Imu0/Raw, /Imu1/Raw, /Imu2/Raw
- Output: /tf
- Input: /Imu0/Raw, /Imu1/Raw, /Imu2/Raw, /tf
- Output: /Command
- Input: /Command
- Output: NA
- Input: /Imu0, /Imu1, /Imu2, /tf
- Output: /User_Label
sudo bash setup.sh
# global config, for ros system cli, such as "ros", "rviz2", "rqt"
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.sh
# workspace config, for our own-made packages, such as "receiver", "filter"
cd ~/FYP-Glove
source install/setup.bash
please do
source install/setup.bash
before running any own-made package
# for c++ package
ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_cmake [package]
# for python package
ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_python [package]
More about creating and configuring the package:
Write your python code under [package]/[package]/[package.py]
Add an entry point to setup.py so that ros2 can locate its position
entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ '[node_name] = [package].[script]:main', ], }
Create a Python package: Writing a simple publisher and subscriber (Python) - ROS 2 Documentation: Foxy documentation
Entry Point For Python: Developing a ROS 2 package - ROS 2 Documentation: Foxy documentation
# build a package
colcon build --packages-select [package]
# build a package with its dependencies(recommended)
colcon build --packages-up-to [package]
# build all packages under the workspace
colcon build
ros2 bag play [data.bag] # 播放bag
ros2 bag info [data.bag] # 查詢bag裡有多少message, topic, etc
ros2 bag record -a # record all topics
# some useful flags
-l # 循環播放
-r [rate] # 倍速播放
--remap [origin topic] [new topic] # topic rename
# for example, play only raw topic
ros2 bag play rosbag/rosbag2_2023_01_07-17_05_41/
--remap /Imu0:=/t0 /Imu1:=/t1 /Imu2:=/t2 -r 5 -l
ros2 bag play rosbag2_2023_01_19-03_13_00/
--remap /Imu0:=/d /Imu1:=/d /Imu2:=/d /tf:=/t /tf_static:=/t -l -r 3
Using Python, XML, and YAML for ROS 2 Launch Files - ROS 2 Documentation: Foxy documentation
Tutorial: ROS2 launch files - All you need to know - Robotics Casual
This node receives IMU raw data from the glove(ESP32) and publish it to ROS network
ros2 run receiver receiver
This node takes IMU raw data(accel, gyro, and optionally magnetic) and calculate the roll, pitch, yaw value of an IMU.
# imu node filter
ros2 launch imu_filter_madgwick imu0.launch.py
# imu cluster filter,
# this will launch imu0.launch, imu1.launch, imu2.launch + static tf
ros2 launch imu_filter_madgwick imu_cluster.launch.py
This node calculates IMU’s covariance matrix based on the given sequence of IMU reading
ros2 run covariance_matrix_calculator calculator
This node calculates the dynamic tf of the hand
ros2 run dynamic_transform_calculator calculator
This node is used to label training data
change the bag name in launch_master/label.launch.py
launch labeler
ros2 launch launch_master label.launch.py
input label in another terminal using ros2 pub cli
ros2 topic pub /User_Label std_msgs/msg/String "{data: 6}" --once
This node recognizes different gesture
ros2 run detector gesture_detection
ros2 launch detector gesture_detection.launch.py
This node takes the output of the detector and control powerpoint
ros2 run commander control
ros2 launch commander control.launch.py
This package launch a sequence of nodes
# inference
ros2 launch launch_master inference.launch.py
# label
ros2 launch launch_master label.launch.py
X axis is indicated in red, the Y axis is indicated in green, and the Z axis is indicated in blue.
rviz2 --display-config src/glove.rviz
cd FYP-Glove/rosbag/bag/
ros2 bag record /Imu0 /Imu1 /Imu2 /Imu0/Raw /Imu1/Raw /Imu2/Raw /tf /tf_static