A survival guide for CS PhD students at Stanford. The Redbook is the attempt of a few PHD students to pass on bits of wisdom and frank advice to newer students in the hope that the next generation avoids their missteps. It lives online at http://github.com/austenmc/theredbook.
Contacts at the Computer Science department:
- Helen Buendicho [email protected]
- Verna Wong [email protected]
- Kristen Babineau [email protected]
Historical editing team, available to support the current Redbook team:
- Austen McDonald [email protected]
- Ankita Kejriwal [email protected]
Printing The Redbook is your duty to the next incoming class! Follow these instructions and feel free to contact the historical editing team above if you have problems.
Let xxxx be the current year.
Collect image asset files:
- Have we run out of these assets? Contact Austen [email protected].
Update the .tex file:
- Update the .tex file to have the current year everywhere appropriate.
- Update Section 6.2 regarding who supported the Redbook (likely the Computer Forum).
- Send last year's PDF to Verna, Helen and Kristen in the CS PhD Office to proofread and let you know of any changes to CS Dept or Stanford University policies.
- Ask for feedback on The Redbook from students in previous years (both first-years from the previous years and later-year students).
- Be sure to keep the book short - its conciseness is one of its founding principles!
Compile the .tex file:
pdflatex theredbook.tex
pdflatex theredbook.tex
- Yes, twice :)
Print at CafePress.com:
- Sign into CafePress.com using The Redbook account (contact the editors for login info).
- Click on "theredbook" under Your Shops - Basic Shops.
- Click on Manage Products.
- Click EDIT under the image of the Redbook.
- Under "Upload File and Specs", click EDIT.
- Click the checkbox next to "I agree to the terms and conditions...".
- Click Browse...
- Choose theredbook.pdf that was generated earlier.
- Click Upload.
- Click SELECT next to theredbook.pdf
- Under Perfect-Bound Binding, choose SELECT & CONTINUE.
- Click through the 20 pages that are displayed; if some stuff flows into the green zone, it's okay; it seems it's always been that way.
- Click NEXT.
- The Back Cover doesn't need to be changed.
- Under Spine, click SELECT IMAGE.
- Browse for the xxxx Redbook cover and spine .jpg files.
- Check "These designs are related...".
- Check "I agree to the terms & conditions...".
- Click UPLOAD.
- Under "Name:" put "The Redbook xxxx".
- Under "xxxx.redbook.spine...." click Select.
- Under Front Cover, choose SELECT IMAGE.
- Under xxxx.redbook.jpg, click Select.
- Under Front Cover, click "View Larger Product".
- Check that the Front Cover and Spine are both what you want and then close the preview window.
- Click NEXT.
- Change the title to "The Redbook xxxx".
- Leave the price at the base price ($8.59 in 2012).
- Click SAVE & FINISH and you are done!
Ask whether Computer Forum will reimburse us for Redbook purchase, and how many copies they would like (usually 3).
Ask PhD office how many incoming PhD students there are this year.
Purchase enough copies:
- Go to http://www.cafepress.com/theredbook.
- Click on The Redbook image.
- Type in the quantity "Qty:" to order.
- Finish ordering.
- Forward the receipt to whoever is handling reimbursements at the COmputer Forum (if they agreed to reimburse).
Give out Redbooks during CS PhD orientation.