All My App Development Honors Projects in Senior Year of Highschool (2019-2020).
Most projects have their assignment pdf attached, and other than the first few, they were all written in swift. Please note some of the projects didn't get perfect grades, as they aren't perfect programs. The .aia files are from MIT App Inventor 2 (which was used before swift was allowed)
- ButtonClick - Button Clicking Application
- CalcApp - Basic Calculator Application
- MemoryApp - Memory Game Application
- TimeTablesApp - Times Tables Practice Application
- WhichAmIApp - Quiz Application
- Benchmark1App - Fixing or recreating a bugged Application
- MemeMakerApp - Meme Making Application
- PainterApp - Painting Canvas Application
- PongApp - Pong Recreation Application
- MazeApp - Maze Game Application
- BowlingApp - Bowling Game Application
- GameDevApp - My End of Year Custom App Project
- GlobalGuesserApp - GeoGuesser inspired Application
- RouteMapperApp - A Route Mapping Application (Used as Benchmark2)
- TimerApp - A clock-like application made as a group :
- GyroGameApp - A game based around the phone's gyroscope sensor.
- LightsaberApp - An app that simulates using your phone as a lightsaber.
- Achievement Project - Add Achievements to a previous application (I chose PongApp)
- Share Project - Add a working Share Button to share data to a previous application (Already implemented in BowlingApp)
- Custom Project - Due to covid-19, our final assignment(s) were to work on custom projects. In my case, I decided to make my first ever 2D platformer with godot:
These projects are publicly visible for future reference. This code is 100% mine, so feel free to use it. I personally won't come after you for using this, but your boss/administration might, as copying my code would technically be considered plagiarizing in certain cases.