Poolpump control with a Raspberry Pi Zero. Hardcoded two times daily when the pump will start and run for an hour. The finished product looks a bit crude but this is due to the fact that all parts where repurposed / scavanged from other projects. The python program was written by Aurora.
- Red LED indicates pool pump program is running
- Yellow LED indicates pool pump is "armed" i.e. the pump may be turned i.e. switch 4. is in the on position.
- Green LED indicates pool pump is running
- On/Off Switch, the pool pump can only come on when this switch is in the ON position
- Ad-Hoc switch, runs pool pump for an hour when pressed.
Edit /etc/rc.local and add the following lines. (Obviously they must match the path to the PoolPump.py
# Run PoolPump timer
(python3 /home/pi/PoolPump/PoolPump.py)&