I built this project to apply my development skills and MERN stack knowledge to real-life scenarios. The goal was to solve real-world problems related to renting cars and provide users with a seamless experience.
This web app allows users to easily search for and rent cars of different categories without the hassle of traditional methods. It provides a user-friendly interface for renting cars, managing bookings, and exploring various car options.
Throughout this project, I learned how to implement authentication, work with databases, connect frontend and backend, and create interactive user interfaces. I also gained experience in handling different challenges and identified features for future improvements.
- Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/tarun2001jawla/Car_Rental_App.git
- Navigate to the project directory: cd car_rental_app
- Install dependencies: npm install
- Start the development server: npm run dev
Users can log in to their accounts using their credentials. Authentication is implemented using JWT tokens.
New users can create accounts by providing their details and registering with the platform.
Admins have access to a dashboard where they can add cars, manage orders, and view customer details.
Users can reach out to the support team using the contact form for any queries or assistance.
An about us page provides information about the company, its mission, and values.
- User authentication with JWT tokens
- Admin dashboard for managing cars and orders
- Search functionality to find cars based on different criteria
- Responsive design for seamless user experience across devices
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.