Prior to turning on robot
- Note robot front, front sticker or where battery cable (currently) is
- turn wheels so driving motors are pointing left relative to the fron of the robot
Set Wheel Offsets capability to set the encoder offset count based on wheel positions. 2 ways
- button on dashbaord
- User button on Roborio
see file for various settings to control robot operation. (field centric settings, speed limits, deadband, motor controller IDs, ...)
- Create a dashboard button to set field centric on or off
- Setup an autonomous routine to drive the robot in a square with 4 commands (create command similar to drive method but add in seconds for a timed distance)
- Adjust the autonomous routine to use the gyro to turn/face the front of the robot for each forward move
- Smooth out the reaction of the wheels to controller commands (replace PIDController for the turning motors with the ProfiledPIDController / TrapezoidProfile which was in the original wpilib example swerve code)
- Implement the autonomous scripting routines being implemented on the 2021 robot for this swerve drive robot