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Introduction to Planetary Updates and Tips for using GDAL 3.x

Trent Hare edited this page Feb 22, 2022 · 1 revision

presented at the June 2020 Open Planetary Virtual Conference (OPvCON)

-Trent Hare, USGS

Presentation, Jupyter notebooks, and data bundle (~200Mb):!AvjktWYZfSNqgs4c5x6ZhRlOjBN0Lw?e=vDa2oj

Just the presentation (PDF):

Notebooks (posted as gists):

Installation environment for Notebooks (all OSes)

(1) install Anaconda (or mini-conda):

(2) Start a conda terminal and install GDAL:

creates a stand alone environment

conda create -n gdal3

activates the environment

conda activate gdal3

for this workshop use this line:

conda install -c conda-forge gdal=3 jupyter basemap matplotlib xerces-c rasterio tuiview

note: you can add "qgis" to the line above to install the Desktop QGIS GIS application

to get latest version (PDS4/VICAR updates), you will need gdal=3.1+:

conda create -n gdal3.1

conda activate gdal3.1

conda install -c conda-forge gdal=3.1

Note: every time you start up a new terminal remember to type:

conda activate gdal3 (or gdal3.1)