Version: 1.0
This pipeline is designed for processing and analyzing RNA-seq data, with a focus on immunological aging studies.
- Python 3.x
- R (for certain modules)
- Various bioinformatics tools (STAR, featureCounts, RSEM, etc.)
[Provide installation instructions here]
python [options]
-f, --readFolder
: Folder with RNA-seq data (gzipped fastq files)-e, --threads
: Number of threads for Parafly (Default: 8)-p, --Parallel
: Use Parafly for parallel processing (Default: True)-s, --starindex
: STAR index (Default: '/home/maolp/mao/Ref/hg38/genome')-m, --Module
: Processing module to run (Default: 'RA')-g, --genome
: Path to genome reference (Default: '/home/maolp/mao/Ref/')-u, --gtf
: Path to GTF file (Default: '/home/maolp/mao/Ref/Homo_sapiens/UCSC/hg38/Annotation/Genes.gencode/genes.gtf')-c, --count
: Counting method (Default: 'featureCounts')-a, --alignmethods
: Alignment method (Default: 'hisat2')-t, --alignthreads
: Number of threads for alignment (Default: 40)-x, --rsemindex
: RSEM index (Default: '/home/maolp/mao/Ref/Homo_sapiens/UCSC/hg38/Sequence/WholeGenomeFasta/HG38RSEM/HG38RSEM')-l, --less
: Only process a subset of files (Default: True)-n, --globname
: Global name for the run (Default: 'NEW')-w, --rmarkdown
: Path to R Markdown file (Default: '/home/maolp/mao/Codeman/Immuagepipeline/Immuageclock_Run02_PCA.Rmd')-r, --rcut
: Path to R script (Default: '/home/maolp/mao/Codeman/Immuagepipeline/Immuage_Rmain.R')--coldata
: Path to coldata file (Required)--add
: Add all, part, or none (Default: 'ap')--health
: Update old program (Default: False)--rootdir
: Root directory (Default: '/data2/users/maolp/Immu_age/Immuageroot')--pipepath
: Pipeline directory (Default: '/home/maolp/mao/Codeman/Immuagepipeline')--resmode
: Result mode (Default: 'train_pre')--config
: Path to config file
The pipeline includes several modules that can be specified using the -m
- S1: FastQC
- S2: TrimQC
- S3_1: STAR indexing
- S3: Alignment
- S14: QC to Count
- S34: Align to count
- S5_1: R Markdown
- S5: Normalization
- S6: Regression
- S78: CircRNA HLA TCR
- S8cir: CircleRNA
- RAR: Run all real
- RA: Run all (Default)
python -f /path/to/fastq/files -m S14 --coldata /path/to/coldata.txt
This command will run the pipeline from QC to Count on the fastq files in the specified folder.