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Releases: thennothinghappened/gml-hlgui


15 Feb 01:25
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  • Fix: HLGuiRow not respecting variable child heights.
  • Fix: HLGuiCheckbox not displaying text correctly for multi-line descriptions.


14 Feb 02:21
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  • Feat: Added a debug overlay to view the bounding boxes of widgets. Enable by setting HLGuiShowWidgetBounds in HLGuiDebug.gml.
  • Feat: Added HLGuiDebug::assertEq(lhs, rhs).
  • Fix: HLGuiRow with no elements tries to divide by 0.
  • Fix: HLGuiRow incorrectly calculates child sizes when the gap size is greater than 0.
  • Docs: Updated README with label changes.


14 Feb 01:11
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  • Fix: Widgets which hold text no longer query the value for caching until the first call to ensureLayoutValid() is made. This fixes the case where the get() function may retrieve data which is not valid until the widget is intended to be visible.
  • Refactor: Visibility status changes are now reported to the GUI rather than queried per-frame. This should be a good speed boost, and reduces some complexity. If you want to change the visibility status of a widget, call the widget.setVisible(visible) method to properly notify the GUI.
  • Fix: Visibility is actually implemented now. I somehow straight-up forgot to implement it previously, apparently.
  • Feat: Added a utility function for pushing and popping a font.


13 Feb 23:45
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  • HLGui.draw() no longer takes x, y, width, height, which were already specified during measure.


13 Feb 23:39
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  • Added methods to insert or append child widgets after a node has been created:
    • HLGuiNodeWidget.insert(index, ...children); - Insert children to a node at the given index.
    • HLGuiNodeWidget.append(...children); - Append to the bottom of the child list.
  • Added overridable HLGuiWidget.focusTick() to run logic for a widget when it is in focus.
  • Added a (very flakey, but hopefully better than nothing:tm:) keyboard input box:
    • HLGuiBasicInput(get, set) - Basic input field which displays text and a caret.
    • HLGuiInput(label, get, set) - Input field with a border and label.
  • Added HLGuiBorderBox(width, height, children, inverted, visible) - Like a padded box, but surrounds content with a border.
  • Changed HLGuiLabel(text) to be a function which modifies a HLGuiText rather than being a child class inheriting from it.
  • Fixed HLGuiIsGMRT returning 0 always.
  • Fixed an off-by-one pixel offset in the top left of outlines.


11 Feb 03:14
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Initial release, no currently known bugs.