This repo contains the implementation of our paper:
Haleh Damirchi, Michael Greenspan, Ali Etemad
ICIP 2023
We propose a novel solution for predicting future trajectories of pedestrians. Our method uses a multimodal encoder-decoder transformer architecture, which takes as input both pedestrian locations and ego-vehicle speeds. Notably, our decoder predicts the entire future trajectory in a single-pass and does not perform one-step-ahead prediction, which makes the method effective for embedded edge deployment. We perform detailed experiments and evaluate our method on two popular datasets, PIE and JAAD. Quantitative results demonstrate the superiority of our proposed model over the current state-of-the-art, which consistently achieves the lowest error for 3 time horizons of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 seconds. Moreover, the proposed method is significantly faster than the state-of-the-art for the two datasets of PIE and JAAD. Lastly, ablation experiments demonstrate the impact of the key multimodal configuration of our method.
Visualized samples of trajectory prediction. Yellow and red bounding boxes denote ground truth and predicted trajectories, respectively.
Please download the PIE dataset from the following link: PIE
Modify the directories at configs/pie to reflect your directory containing the dataset.
- Tested OS: Windows, Linux
- python 3.8
- pytorch 1.12
To train the model:
python --batch_size 128 --version_name Model --hidden_size_traj 256 --hidden_size_sp 128 --d_model_traj 256 --d_model_sp 128 --d_inner 1024 --d_k 32 --d_v 32 --n_head 16 --epochs 200 --patience 10
To evaluate the model:
python --batch_size 128 --version_name Model --hidden_size_traj 256 --hidden_size_sp 128 --d_model_traj 256 --d_model_sp 128 --d_inner 1024 --d_k 32 --d_v 32 --n_head 16 --epochs 200 --patience 10 --checkpoint checkpoint_address
If you find our work useful in your research, please cite our paper:
title={Context-aware pedestrian trajectory prediction with multimodal transformer},
author={Damirchi, Haleh and Greenspan, Michael and Etemad, Ali},
booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Image Processing},