📖Paper (CVPR 2025)
Bar-Ilan University
This repository contains the code release for Zero-Shot Image Restoration Using Few-Step Guidance of Consistency Models (and Beyond) [CM4IR].
- Super-Resolution (Bicubic)
- Gaussian Deblurring
- Inpainting
To clone this repository and the code, run:
git clone https://github.com/tirer-lab/CM4IR.git
There are several dependencies required, and you may install it via pip or Docker. The code was written and tested on Python 3.8 and PyTorch 1.9.0.
pip install -r requirements.txt
For hardware specific packages, such as torch, install the relevant versions according to your setup, for example:
pip install torch==1.9.0+cu111 torchvision==0.10.1+cu111 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
The repository contains Dockerfile, in order to use it run (after cloning this repo and cd
to it):
docker build .
We used the official pre-trained Consistency Models provided by OpenAI in the CM repo.
To set the models used in the paper:
The LSUN Bedroom 256x256 model checkpoint can be
found here.
Download it and place it in CM4IR/exp/logs/lsun_bedroom/
The LSUN Cat 256x256 model checkpoint can be
found here.
Download it and place it in CM4IR/exp/logs/lsun_cat/
The ImageNet 64x64 model checkpoint can be
found here.
Download it and place it in CM4IR/exp/logs/imagenet/
Run the following commands to get immediate CM4IR results:
LSUN Cat SRx4 with sigma_y=0.05:
python main.py --config lsun_cat_256.yml --path_y lsun_cat --deg sr_bicubic --deg_scale 4 \ --sigma_y 0.05 -i CM4IR_lsun_cat_sr_bicubic_sigma_y_0.05 --iN 250 --gamma 0.2 \ --model_ckpt lsun_cat/cd_cat256_lpips.pt
LSUN Bedroom Gaussian deblurring with sigma_y=0.025:
python main.py --config lsun_bedroom_256.yml --path_y lsun_bedroom --deg deblur_gauss --sigma_y 0.025 \ -i CM4IR_lsun_bedroom_deblur_gauss_sigma_y_0.025 --iN 75 --gamma 0.01 --zeta 3 \ --model_ckpt lsun_bedroom/cd_bedroom256_lpips.pt
ImageNet 64 SRx2 with sigma_y=0.01:
python main.py --config imagenet_64_cc.yml --path_y imagenet --deg sr_bicubic --deg_scale 2 \ --sigma_y 0.01 -i CM4IR_imagenet_sr_bicubic_sigma_y_0.01 --iN 50 --gamma 0.01 \ --model_ckpt imagenet/cd_imagenet64_lpips.pt
The results will be in CM4IR/exp/image_samples/
The datasets used in the paper are LSUN bedroom, LSUN cat and ImageNet.
Both LSUN Bedroom and LSUN Cat validation sets used in the paper can be found here. Additionally, the datasets can be downloaded from source:
The LSUN Bedroom dataset can be downloaded using the official download code in this repository.
The LSUN Cat dataset can't be downloaded with the script mentioned above, but it can be found here. We used the last 300 images as validation set.
ImageNet can be found in: [Google drive] [Baidu drive].
After you download the datasets, place each dataset in the relevant directory:
- LSUN Bedroom - Place the dataset in
- LSUN Cat - Place the dataset in
- ImageNet - Place the dataset in
.- Download the file
from the links above as well, and place it inCM4IR/exp
. Rename this file toimagenet_val.txt
in order for the code to use it.
- Download the file
The general python command to run the code is:
python main.py --config {config}.yml --path_y {dataset_folder} --deg {deg} --sigma_y {sigma_y}
-i {image_folder} --iN {iN} --gamma {gamma} --zeta {zeta} --eta {eta} --operator_imp {operator_implementation}
--deltas {deltas} --save_y {save_observation}
: The name of the yml to use to configure the model used.model_ckpt
: Name of the model ckpt file in exp/logs. The model should be inexp/logs/<model_ckpt>
. For example:lsun_bedroom/cd_bedroom256_lpips.pt
: The name of the directory containing the image dataset.deg
: the degradation type to use. Used in paper:sr_bicubic
- When using
, the flag--deg_scale
is also required - When using
, the flag--inpainting_mask_path
is also required
- When using
: Noise level. Noise levels used in paper:0, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05
: Name of directory for output images.iN
: The iN hyperparameter used in the paper.gamma
: The Gamma hyperparameter used in the paper.zeta
: The Zeta hyperparameter used in the paper.eta
: The Eta hyperparameter used in the paper.deltas
: The deltas hyperparameters used the in the paper. Should be a string of comma seperated values, for example: "0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4".deltas_injection_type
to inject deltas to the boundary scaling as well,1
to inject only to the model input.operator_implementation
- Whether to useSVD
operator implementations. Defaults toSVD
- Whether to save the observed image (y
) or not. Defaults toFalse
Additionally, you can configure the sampling steps (defaults to 4
in the paper). In each yml config under configs
, lsun_bedroom_256.yml
and lsun_cat_256.yml
) you may change:
T_sampling: <desired_sampling_steps>
The evaluate_CM4IR.sh script can be used for reproducing paper results.
Additional results can be found in the paper, including PSNR and LPIPS results compared to competitors.
If you used this repository in your research, please cite the paper:
title={Zero-Shot Image Restoration Using Few-Step Guidance of Consistency Models (and Beyond)},
author={Garber, Tomer and Tirer, Tom},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern recognition},
This implementation is inspired by https://github.com/tirer-lab/DDPG, https://github.com/openai/consistency_models and https://github.com/bahjat-kawar/ddrm.