An AngularJS application that uses Passport, MongoDB. Demonstrating:
- Authentication using Passport
- Account creation and server validation with Mongoose.
- CRUD interface for creating posts with MongoDB
- Client validations for account creation including a directive for validating if a username is available.
- Authorization middleware for checking if you are allowed to edit a post.
- Unit tests for client code *Ionic app consuming Node server
This project is primarily set up to show you how to access API's without CORS using the Ionic proxy server.
Before you continue, make sure you have MongoDB installed
Run npm install
, followed by bower install
to grab the dependencies.
Run cd ionic
, followed by npm install
to grab the dependencies.
Run ionic serve
, or ionic serve --lab
to grab the dependencies.
Run grunt server
to start the app in development mode with livereload, or run grunt server:dist
to run it in a minified and optimized production build.
There are two parts to this project:
- The Api Server hosted at
-node server.js
- The Ionic web server hosted at
-ionic serve
We want to make requests to the Api server at localhost:3000
from the Ionic server at localhost:8100
via an AJAX request. This will require CORS and fail due to the Api server not allowing the origin localhost:8100
if we use ionic serve
or ionic run -l
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:3000/api/endpoint. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8100' is therefore not allowed access.
See ionic.project
for configuring the proxy server. Notice how we set the path
to /api
- signifying any request to the Ionic server http://localhost:8100/api
will retrieve requests to the proxyUrl
at http://localhost:3000/api/endpoint
See www/js/app.js
for setting up the Api Endpoint as an AngularJS constant. Notice here the address is pointed at the Ionic server.
See www/js/services.js
for using the AngularJS constant.
See www/js/controllers.js
for using the AngularJS service.
See gulpfile.js
to see how the gulp tasks are set up to replace your URL's in your files.