A simple HTML, CSS and JavaScript game written from scratch without frameworks or additional tools.
+ .git - git specific folder
+ build - minified releases (appears with grunt use)
+ development - development files such as GUI mockups
+ node_modules - node.js/grunt modules (appears with grunt use)
+ src - the actual source code
+ .gitignore - defines which files/folders are ignored (e. g. Thumbs.db)
+ Gruntfile.js - grunt specific
+ package.json - grunt specific
+ README.md - this file
NOTE: Make sure you have node.js installed on your system: How to Install Node.js
NOTE: Make sure you have grunt installed on your system: Installing the CLI
We use grunt to create a minified version of the game. The dependencies and tasks are already defined in the Gruntfile.js file.
Build the minified version
Open a command shell (e. g. powershell on Windows) or console/terminal MacOS X/Linux.
Change directory into the game repository. For example:
~$ cd GGJ2016
Run the grunt command:
GGJ2016 ~$ grunt
A new folder
will be created, which contains the complete minified game.
The grunt command will recognize the Gruntfile.js
, download the dependencies defined in package.json
, and run all tasks in the Gruntfile.js
. The dependencies will be stored in node_modules
which will be automatically created the first time the grunt command is executed.