Erlang library for encoding and decoding postgres data types. Used by pgo.
A type module implements the pg_types
behaviour. init/1
must return a 2-tuple with the first element being a list of typsend
binary strings. typsend
is what Postgres calls the conversion function and has defined for each OID. The second element is any sort of configuration the type needs included when encoding or decoding. For example the json implementation might want to support setting the json module to use when encoding and decoding.
and decode/2
are passed the valuel to encode or decode and a type_info
record. The record contains the configuration returned from init/1
under config
, so #type_info{config=Config}
. The other fields are columns from Postgres' pg_type table.
will lookup all type modules, based on the modules in pg_types
and the pg_types
application environment variable modules
, which is how to add implementations not found in this application. The update function takes an atom namespace that usually corresponds to whatever pool the client is setting up types for, a list of type_info
records populated from the Postgres table's rows and any option map to pass to each type module's init/1
. It then sets a persistent_term
with the type_info
record updated to include the module that implement's the types typsend
and the configuration returned from init/1
with a map as the last argument to update a map with oid() => type_info()}
instead of having them inserted into a persistent_term
To find the module for encoding/decoding an oid use lookup_type_info/2
, passing the namespace (pool) and oid, it will return the type_info
record with module
and config
To configure if json is to be encoded and decoded by a library, include the json library, like jsone
, in theprojects deps
list and set json_config
in pg_types
application environment to a 3-tuple {module(), encode_options(), decode_options()}
. For example to use jsone
and decode keys as atoms:
{pg_types, [{json_config, {jsone, [], [{keys, atom}]}}]}
To configure if enums should be converted to atoms, set enum_config
in pg_types
application environment to the atom atoms
, or the atom existing_atoms
. Using existing_atoms
will result in binary_to_existing_atom(Value, utf8)
being used to decode values.
{pg_types, [{enum_config, atoms}]}
Timestamps can be returned as Erlang system time in seconds (as an integer or float):
{pg_types, [{timestamp_config, float_system_time_seconds | integer_system_time_seconds}]}
Future plans include allowing this to be set per-query instead of globally.
- Not a type but need to decide on the atoms for and define macros for nan, infinity, -infinity and make sure all types use them
Most types are based on code from epgsql, semiocast/pgsql and postgrex