Take a look at the live example!
bower install --save fireworks-canvas
npm install --save fireworks-canvas
// exports a standard umd boiler:
const Fireworks = require('fireworks-canvas') // cjs
define(['fireworks-canvas'], (FireWorks) => {}) // amd
const Fireworks = window.Fireforks // browser global
// needs at least a container element, you can provide options
// (options are optional, defaults defined below)
const container = document.getElementById('container')
const options = {
maxRockets: 3, // max # of rockets to spawn
rocketSpawnInterval: 150, // millisends to check if new rockets should spawn
numParticles: 100, // number of particles to spawn when rocket explodes (+0-10)
explosionMinHeight: 0.2, // percentage. min height at which rockets can explode
explosionMaxHeight: 0.9, // percentage. max height before a particle is exploded
explosionChance: 0.08 // chance in each tick the rocket will explode
// instantiate the class and call start
// this returns a disposable - calling it will stop fireworks.
const fireworks = new Fireworks(container, options)
const stop = fireworks.start()
stop() // stop rockets from spawning
fireworks.stop() // also stops fireworks.
Requires es6 in the browser
npm i
npm run build
# open ./index.html in your favourite evergreen browser