Scripts and notebooks to visualize output from the NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline (ASP).
Our objective is to release a modular Python package with a command-line interface (CLI) that can be run automatically on an ASP output directory to prepare a set of standard diagnostic plots, publication-quality output figures, and a pdf report with relevant information, similar to the reports prepared by many commercial SfM software packages (e.g., Agisoft Metashape, Pix4DMapper).
This is a work in progress.
The directory original_code/
contains initial notebooks compiled from recent projects using sample stereo images from the Maxar WorldView, Planet SkySat-C and BlackSky Global constellations.
The functionality of these notebooks is being ported to the asp_plot/
directory, which is the package asp_plot
During the stereo
or parallel_stereo
steps at the heart of the Ames Stereo Pipeline, you can add this to the command to ensure that the files needed for plotting are retained, and files that are not required are cleaned up:
--keep-only '.mask .txt .exr .match -L.tif -L_sub.tif -R_sub.tif -D_sub.tif -D.tif -RD.tif -F.tif -PC.tif'
Not all of those files are used in the plotting, but all are useful for re-processing and detailed analyses.
To get started with asp_plot
, find the environment.yml
file here, download it locally, and create a conda environment:
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
Then activate the environment:
$ conda activate asp_plot
And finally, install the asp_plot
package and CLI tools with pip:
(asp_plot) $ pip install asp-plot
Examples of the modular usage of the package can be found in the notebooks/
directory here.
A full report can be output via the command-line. At its simplest, you can run:
$ asp_plot --directory ./ \
--stereo_directory stereo
with only the directory where the ASP processing was done (--directory
) and the subdirectory inside of that where the stereo files were output (--stereo
). The reference DEM used in ASP processing will also be searched for in the logs, and used for difference maps if found.
If you also ran bundle adjustment and/or would like to specify a reference DEM to use for plotting (rather than searching the logs):
$ asp_plot --directory ./ \
--bundle_adjust_directory ba \
--stereo_directory stereo \
--map_crs EPSG:32604 \
--reference_dem ref_dem.tif
Before that, we recommend running asp_plot --help
for details (and defaults) of all of the command-line flags:
$ asp_plot --help
Usage: asp_plot [OPTIONS]
--directory TEXT Required directory of ASP processing with
scenes and sub-directories for stereo and
optionally bundle adjustment. Default:
current directory.
--bundle_adjust_directory TEXT Optional directory of bundle adjustment
files. If expected *residuals_pointmap.csv
files are not found in the supplied
directory, no bundle adjustment plots will
be generated. Default: None.
--stereo_directory TEXT Required directory of stereo files. Default:
--dem_filename TEXT Optional DEM filename in the stereo
directory. Default: None, which will search
for the *-DEM.tif file in the stereo
directory. Specify it as the basename with
extension, e.g. my-custom-dem-name.tif.
--dem_gsd TEXT Optional ground sample distance of the DEM.
Default: None, which will search for the
*-DEM.tif file in the stereo directory. If
there is a GSD in the name of the file,
specify it here as a float or integer, e.g.
1, 1.5, etc.
--map_crs TEXT Projection for ICESat and bundle adjustment
plots. Default: None.
--reference_dem TEXT Optional reference DEM used in ASP
processing. No default. If not supplied, the
logs will be examined to find it. If not
found, no difference plots will be
--add_basemap BOOLEAN If True, add a basemaps to the figures,
which requires internet connection. Default:
--plot_icesat BOOLEAN If True, plot an ICESat-2 difference plot
with the DEM result. This requires internet
connection to pull ICESat data. Default:
--report_filename TEXT PDF file to write out for report into the
processing directory supplied by
--directory. Default: Directory name of ASP
--report_title TEXT Title for the report. Default: Directory
name of ASP processing.
If you add these two flags as False
to the asp_plot
command, you can run it without internet connection:
--add_basemap False --plot_icesat False
Otherwise, basemaps will be fetched using contextly and ICESat-2 data will be fetched by SlideRule.
The csm_camera_plot
command-line tool is a wrapper for outputting a summary plot after running tools like bundle_adjust
and jitter_solve
. The inputs must be CSM camera files. Currently, this tool only supports CSM linescan cameras, such as those from WorldView satellites.
At its simplest it can be run like:
$ csm_camera_plot --original_cameras path/to/original_camera_1,path/to/original_camera_2 \
--optimized_cameras path/to/optimized_camera_1,path/to/optimized_camera_2
But, for more meaningful positions we at least recommend specifying a map_crs
UTM EPSG code, and a directory to save the output figure to:
$ csm_camera_plot --original_cameras path/to/original_camera_1,path/to/original_camera_2 \
--optimized_cameras path/to/optimized_camera_1,path/to/optimized_camera_2 \
--map_crs 32728
--save_dir path/to/save_directory/
If a second camera is not supplied, the tool will happily plot just the single camera:
$ csm_camera_plot --original_cameras path/to/original_camera_1 \
--optimized_cameras path/to/optimized_camera_1 \
--map_crs 32728
--save_dir path/to/save_directory/
And there are many more options that can also be modified, by examining csm_camera_plot --help
$ csm_camera_plot --help
Usage: csm_camera_plot [OPTIONS]
--original_cameras TEXT Original camera files, supplied as comma
separated list 'path/to/original_camera_1,path/to/original_camera_2'.
No default. Must be supplied.
--optimized_cameras TEXT Optimized camera files, supplied as comma
separated list 'path/to/optimized_camera_1,path/to/optimized_camera_2'.
No default. Must be supplied.
--map_crs TEXT UTM EPSG code for map projection. If not
supplied, the map will be plotted in
original camera coordinates of EPSG:4978
--title TEXT Optional short title to append to figure
output. Default: None.
--trim BOOLEAN Trim the beginning and end of the positions
plotted to the first and last camera image
lines. Default: True.
--shared_scales BOOLEAN If True, the position and angle difference
scales are shared between for each camera.
Default: False.
--log_scale_positions BOOLEAN If True, the position difference scales are
log scaled. Default: False.
--log_scale_angles BOOLEAN If True, the angle difference scales are log
scaled. Default: False.
--upper_magnitude_percentile INTEGER
Percentile to use for the upper limit of the
mapview colorbars. Default: 95.
--figsize TEXT Figure size as width,height. Default: 20,15.
--save_dir TEXT Directory to save the figure. Default: None,
which does not save the figure.
--fig_fn TEXT Figure filename. Default:
--add_basemap BOOLEAN If True, add a contextily basemap to the
figure, which requires internet connection.
Default: False.
If you instead want to install the source code for e.g. developing the project:
$ git clone [email protected]:uw-cryo/asp_plot.git
$ cd asp_plot
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate asp_plot
$ pre-commit install
$ pip install -e .
Please don't miss the pre-commit install
step, which does the linting prior to any commits using the .pre-commit-config.yaml
file that is included in the repo.
If you want to rebuild the package, for instance while testing changes to the CLI tool, then uninstall and reinstall via:
$ pip uninstall asp_plot
$ pip install -e .
To ensure the install was successful, tests can be run with:
$ pytest
When you add a new feature, add some test coverage as well.
Checkout main and pull to get the latest changes:
$ git checkout main
$ git pull
Create a feature branch:
$ git checkout -b my_feature
Make as many commits as you like while you work. When you are ready, submit the changes as a pull request.
After some review, you may be asked to add a few tests for the new functionality. Add those in the tests/
folder, and check that they work with:
$ pytest -s
When review of the pull request is complete squash and merge the changes to main
, combining your commits into a single, descriptive commit of why the changes were made.
Update version in pyproject.toml
, then:
rm -rf dist/
python3 -m pip install --upgrade build
python3 -m build
python3 -m pip install --upgrade twine
python3 -m twine upload dist/*