note this is an assignment
The Request Manager is a system designed to handle incoming requests and efficiently distribute them to a ordered queue of providers.
Each provider has its own rate limit, and the system ensures that requests are sent to providers based on their availability and priority.
Dynamic Request Handling: requests are processed in real-time and dispatched to available providers while respecting rate limits.
Request Priority: Requests can have priorities assigned to them. Higher-priority requests are processed before lower-priority ones.
Provider Enable/Disable: Providers can be toggled on and off, allowing fine-grained control over their availability.
Scheduled Execution: Requests can have an execution time (valid-after time) associated with them, ensuring they are processed at or after the specified time.
CLI: Implement an easy-to-use CLI for add provider, reqeust, start/stop providers
To use the Outgoing Request Manager in your project, follow these steps:
Configuration: Configure the number of providers and their respective rate limits according to your needs.
Initialize Providers: Create Provider instances with their names and rate limits.
Generating Requests: Whenever a request needs to be sent to a third-party provider, create a Request object and submit it to the manager.
Running the Manager: Start the manager, which will process incoming requests and distribute them to providers.
setup your environment
virtualenv .venv
activate it
source ./venv/bin/activate
install package from git
pip install git+
import asyncio
from request_manager import Provider
from request_manager import Controller
from request_manager.log import logger
import logging
# Create and configure providers
async def main():
provider1 = Provider("P1", 0.2)
provider2 = Provider("P2", 0.1)
# Create the manager
controller = Controller([provider1, provider2])
# Create requests with priority and execution times
# this will add to a priority queue
request_name=f"long request execution time",
request_name=f"long request execution time",
await controller.wait_for_complete() # wait for all request has been sent
if __name__ == "__main__":
for use cli you can run rmcli
in your terminal
- Wizard: a wizard to create producer and reqeust without any writing code and simulate the reqeust management
- Start providers: start providers to send requests
- Stop providers: stop providers from sending requests
- Simulate example: run a simple simulation
- Add new provider: add new provider to system
- Enable provider: enable a provider
- Disable provider: disable a provider
- Add new request: add new request to a provider
- Exit program: exit
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.