A curated list of time series databases. For filtering based on language, backend etc. Check out the website
name | github | status | lang | backend | protocol | query | license |
Akumuli | https://github.com/akumuli/Akumuli | maintained | c++ | localfs | tcp | text | apache-2.0 |
Arctic | https://github.com/man-group/arctic | active | python | mongodb | tcp | python | lgpl |
Argus | https://github.com/salesforce/Argus | dead | java | hbase | http | json | bsd |
Atlas | https://github.com/Netflix/atlas | maintained | scala | memory | http | stack | apache-2.0 |
Beringei | https://github.com/facebookarchive/beringei | dead | c++ | memory | thrift | thrift | bsd |
BigGraphite | https://github.com/criteo/biggraphite | maintained | python | cassandra | http | graphite | apache-2.0 |
Blueflood | https://github.com/rackerlabs/blueflood | dead | java | cassandra,elasticsearch | http | json | apache-2.0 |
BTrDB | https://github.com/BTrDB/btrdb-server | maintained | go | ceph | http | json | gpl |
Catena | https://github.com/Cistern/catena | dead | go | localfs | http | json | bsd |
Chronix | https://github.com/ChronixDB/chronix.server | maintained | java | solr | http | json | apache-2.0 |
Citus | https://github.com/citusdata/citus | active | c | postgresql | tcp | sql | agpl-3.0 |
ClickHouse | https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse | active | c++ | localfs | tcp | sql | apache-2.0 |
Cortex | https://github.com/cortexproject/cortex | active | go | s3,cassandra,bigtable,dynamodb | http | promql | apache-2.0 |
CrateDB | https://github.com/crate/crate | active | java | elasticsearch,s3 | tcp | sql | apache-2.0 |
DalmatinerDB | https://github.com/dalmatinerdb/dalmatinerdb | maintained | erlang | localfs | http | text | mit |
Flint | https://github.com/twosigma/flint | maintained | scala | spark | http | json | apache-2.0 |
Gnocchi | https://github.com/gnocchixyz/gnocchi | dead | python | localfs | http | json | apache-2.0 |
HawkularMertics | https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-metrics | maintained | java | cassandra | http | json | apache-2.0 |
Heroic | https://github.com/spotify/heroic | maintained | java | bigtable,cassandra,elasticsearch | http | json | apache-2.0 |
InfluxDB | https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb | active | go | localfs | http | influxql,flux | mit |
KairosDB | https://github.com/kairosdb/kairosdb | maintained | java | cassandra | http | json | apache-2.0 |
Khronus | https://github.com/khronus/khronus | dead | scala | cassandra | http | json,influxql | apache-2.0 |
M3 | https://github.com/m3db/m3 | active | go | localfs | http | promql,graphite,m3query,sql | apache-2.0 |
Metrictank | https://github.com/grafana/metrictank | active | go | cassandra,elasticsearch | http | graphite | agpl-3.0 |
Newts | https://github.com/OpenNMS/newts/ | maintained | java | cassandra | http | json | apache-2.0 |
OpenTSDB | https://github.com/OpenTSDB/opentsdb | maintained | java | hbase | http,tcp | json | lgpl |
Apache Pinot | https://github.com/apache/incubator-pinot | active | java | s3,hdfs,azdls | http | pql | apache-2.0 |
Prometheus | https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus | active | go | localfs | prometheus | promql | apache-2.0 |
Seriously | https://github.com/dustin/seriesly | dead | go | localfs | http | json | mit |
Sidewinder | https://github.com/srotya/sidewinder | dead | java | localfs | tcp | sql | apache-2.0 |
Tgres | https://github.com/tgres/tgres | dead | go | postgresql | tcp | sql | apache-2.0 |
TimescaleDB | https://github.com/timescale/timescaledb | active | c | postgresql | tcp | sql | apache-2.0 |
Vaultaire | https://github.com/afcowie/vaultaire | dead | haskell | ceph | http | json | unknown |
Vulcan | https://github.com/digitalocean/vulcan | dead | go | cassandra | http | promql | apache-2.0 |
Xephon-K | https://github.com/xephonhq/xephon-k | dead | go | cassandra,localfs | http,grpc | json | mit |
- awesome big data
- List of Time Series Databases by Preetam Jinka
- awesome db
- Ultimate-TSDB-Comparison
- Github topic: timeseries-database
- Open Source Time Series DB Comparison
To the extent possible under law, Pinglei Guo has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.