- Developed and tested only for Samsung 2017 Smart TV (UM55MU7500) which uses Chrome v47 (47.0.2526.0) and 1920x1080 resolution.
- Backend API is for private use only
Preview (webm)
- Install and build with
npm install
npm run build
Tizen Studio -> Import -> Existing Projects Into Workspace -> Select this projects root folder -> Check "UnivisionVod /dist" -> Import
To use Chrome Developer Tools
- Tizen Studio -> Web -> Chrome -> Location -> Browse and choose Chrome/Chromium binary
Disable JSHint (It's gonna be extremely slow to build if you don't do this)
- Tizen Studio -> Web -> Editor -> Javascript -> JSHint Properties -> Append "vendors" to "Exclude files that match..." field
- Tizen Studio Package Manager -> Configuration
- Package Repository: "http://usa.sdk-dl.tizen.org/sdk/tizenstudio"
- Auto Update: Off
- Select "Tizen_Studio_1.3"
- OK
- Install Main SDK
- Baseline SDK
- GCC 4.9 toolchain
- Web IDE, Web CLI
- Install Extension SDK
- TV Extensions-3.0
- Samsung Certificate Extension
- TV Extensions Tools
- Emulator Manager -> Create -> tv-samsung-3.0-x86 (basic)
- Continue here
npm run serve