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React Components for VHX Quartz


npm install @vhx/quartz-react


First include quartz.css, components.css, quartz-icons.css, and the css files from dist/ for any components you intend to use.

Then import the components:

import { Button, Tag, util } from '@vhx/quartz-react';

const MyComponent = () => (

For demos and code examples, run npm start and open up localhost:3000 in your browser. Or visit

NPM Scripts

  • npm start: This is the main script you'll use while developing components for quartz-react. It starts a local server to display the demo ui with live reloading and runs the build process.
  • npm run build: Run this before any release. It transpiles the source code and puts the output in dist/.
  • npm run deploy: This deploys the demo website (currently to firebase)
  • npm run lint: This script ensures that the component code passes eslint. Run this before making a PR.
  • npm test: This script runs the tests for all the components and utilities in a jsdom environment.
  • npm run dev and npm run serve: Together, these two scripts form the start script. dev transpiles and watches the source code for changes and serve creates a local server to display the demos.

Folder Hierarchy

  build-css.js                  # Copies css from /docs/css to /dist and prepends version & hash
  rollup.config.js              # Configuration for the bundler to output js to dist/
  rollup.demo-config.js         # Same as above, but for the demo site (/docs/js)
  [Component]/                  # At minimum contains the following files, but can be extended as necessary
    index.js                    # This just exports your [Component].jsx
    [Component].jsx             # The main component file
    [Component].test.jsx        # Unit tests for the component
  util/                         # Utility functions shared by components
  sections/                     # Sections of the demo page with code and examples
  ui/                           # Components specific to the demo page that are not included in quartz-react
  index.jsx                     # The demo page itself (ie. what is seen on localhost:3000)
docs/                           # The github pages website. `demo/index.jsx` gets compiled into here.
index.js                        # Every component that is exported in quartz-react

How to Create a New Component


  • Create a branch for the new component
  • In components/ add a folder for your component that contains the following files:
    • index.js
    • [YourComponent].jsx
    • [YourComponent].test.jsx
  • In the root level index.js, create a named export for your component.
  • In demo/sections/ create a file to demo your component (by convention, it should be demo/sections/[YourComponent].jsx). It should export a react component that makes use of the demo UI components (see below). If your demo makes use of props, display them in a <PropTypeTable />.
  • In demo/index.jsx import the demo you exported from the file in step 4, and add it to the sections object. This will include it in the sidebar navigation as well as render it to the page.
  • Create a pull request and merge into master when ready. Then delete the branch.
  • Run npm version patch (or minor or major, as appropriate), then run npm run build, then publish to npm.

Documenting Components

In addition to the documentation in demo site, components should be self-documenting. Using propTypes and defaultProps help with this effort. A third, non-standard property called propDescriptions may additionally be used to document props. If any of these statics are defined on your component, use a <PropTypeTable />. For example:

// in components/MyComponent/MyComponent.jsx
// ---------------------------------------------
const MyComponent = ({ title }) => <h1>{title.slice(0, 50)}</h1>;

MyComponent.propTypes = {
  title: PropTypes.string,

MyComponent.defaultProps = {
  title: 'Hello World',

MyComponent.propDescriptions = {
  title: 'A brief title, truncated at 50 characters',

// in demo/sections/MyComponent.jsx
// ---------------------------------------------
const MyComponentDemo = () => (
      <Details>Some documentation for your component goes here...</Details>
    <DemoRow code='<MyComponent />'>
      <Subtitle>Section heading goes here</Subtitle>
      <MyComponent />
      <PropTypeTable component={MyComponent} />

You must also write tests for your component. This not only helps prevent regressions, but serves as an additional source of documentation.

Demo UI Components

Component demo files (demo/sections/*.jsx) should export a component containing <DemoRow>s. These accept an optional code prop that's a string of code to display on the right side of the page.

Available UI componennts for use in demos include:

  • <Block>: Provides some padding to nicely display elements
  • <DemoRow>: Displays a part of a demo section and optionally accepts a code prop of type string
  • <Details>: Usually used after the <Title> component to display more information
  • <Hr />: Same purpose as <hr />, but styled for the demo
  • <PropTypeTable />: Displays prop information for a component
  • <Subtitle>: Used within a <DemoRow>. This makes it possible to have labeled subsections of your demo.
  • <Title>: Used within a <DemoRow>. There should only be one title per component demo section.

Follow the example from the Text component's demo for the simplest example setup.


Quartz components using React






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Contributors 3
